On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 08:58:23 +0100 "Simon Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nev Young wrote:
> > Where is the previous OCR version - it could be a better 
> > starting point than mine for the pages I haven't yet done.
> I can't remember where I got it from (or the 5MB scanned PDF of the SAM
> User Guide), but I can e-mail it to you if you want it (162K zipped).
> I've also just tried checking NVG for it but it seems to be down at the
> moment (Frode?).

Technically it's not down - it's just a RH80 mirror.... :)

It's located in docs/SamTechManual.zip (whenver you get in). :/

> > That would be great.  Hopefully it will still be possible to 
> > do searches once it's in PDF form.
> Yeah, as long as it's generated from a text source it'll be searchable,
> and select/copy will work in the Text mode in Acrobat.

I did a conversion and not having seen the original word-document
it looks quite good.

> > Do you think I should even try and do the small print bits 
> > for the sound and disk controller chips?
> I've always wondered if the original documents were available online
> somewhere, but I've not managed to find them.  The text on my floppy
> controller document is quite difficult to read, so an updated version of
> that would certainly be very handy - of course, it's easy for me to say
> that when someone else is doing it!.

There's also the alternative technical manual you got started on
(located at docs/coupe.zip).


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