John Gresham wrote:
> I think scrolling has been done in a mode 4 game on the SAM.  
> Defender has a scrolling landscape and looks to be mode 4.  I 
> think it sometimes shifts the land at pixel-by-pixel 
> resolution when you move slowly.

The most you can move (using traditional "shift every byte" methods) in
a single frame is about 1/4 of the screen (IIRC). Given that you need to
move stuff around aswell, you'd probably only be able to scroll 2/3rds
of the screen about every 15 frames (which should still be reasonably
acceptable). Think of something like Blood Money or Wings Of Death, both
for the Atari ST, where the screen moves quite slowly but the gameplay
is still acceptable.

> It looks like it's sometimes 2/3rds of the screen at times, 
> so I imagine Mode 4 scrolling can't be that slow???

Well things like Defender (I haven't seen the Sam version, but my memory
of the game is of large blocks of single colour) cheat by only moving
the edges. A bit like the old "Snake" game you get now on Nokia phones -
since the mid-sections aren't moving you only need to draw the beginning
and the end.

My Big Scrolly Demo (on NVG, I believe) used this technique to draw a
full-screen-height scrolltext.

Cookie once showed me a demo of a neat routine that used screen
switching to do 50fps parallax scrolling - very cool, since then all you
need to do is draw the thing at the start of the level.


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