Ian wrote:
> 8) Would you develop a title for the sam still?
> I might
> 9) Would you help develop a title for the sam?
> possibly
> The Sam is the best 8 bit machine - and the emulator running at 
> 500% wow-just mind blowing

Mmm. Y'see, Cookie, we should have built that z8000 board. :)

It occurred to me that one of the reasons I'm less likely to develop
something for the sam is that, although comet is absolutely superb
considering the hardware, it's not so easy as a nice (eg) windoze app
would be.

Now that we have the emulator (thanks to Allan and Si) we have an
opportunity to make an app which links in an assembler (together with an
automated upload), a decent editor and an inline debugger.

I know this would make me far more likely to write any Sam stuff, if
only to test the debugger!

Now I know this is quite a bit of work but we have a few advantages...

1. There must be open source z80 assemblers out there, so we can use one
of those (Ian, I think you probably know which one is best?)
2. We have the source to SimCoupe already (and tbh, I doubt if this is
the most complex part)
3. We have all these top programmers all itching to have a go to test
it! :)

Seriously, I think this is do-able. The difficulty would be developing
the IDE, unless someone knows something I don't (is there an Open Source
editor out there? we could rip that).

Anyone else interested?


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