In response to this I am just waiting to have a large enough house to set it
up in; preferably away from squeaky toys and rattle type devices that get
slobbered on by my sprog!

I do, however, think there is a massive nostalgia streak in me that doesn't
want to part with it. Let's face it; I grew up with my ZX Spectrum, and then
SAM Coupe. It is on these devices I learnt how to program machine code (with
Cookies help and the aid of the Z80 Assembly Language for absolute beginners

BTW I still have my Spectrum, Interface 1 & Microdrive, and Interface 2 with
the funky ROM card games!


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 January 2003 23:42
Subject: RE: Moment of truth

There seem to be two groups, those who want the same and keep using it, and
those who have one sitting in a loft somewhere.  For those in the latter
group, are you willing to sell on some bits and pieces to those who are
still using theirs?  Sell them to a good home so to speak?  Or are you
keeping it for nostalgia reasons.

There is quite alot of software / hardware im still after, and im sure other
people are.


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