On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 13:11:08 -0700, "Simon Cooke"

> From: "Nev Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > If it is a read of the ROM then you need to assert ROMCSL & ROMCSRL to
> > turn off the ROM. Dunno if you could do that fast enough to be
> effective
> > within one read cycle though.
> >
> > I'm sure some one will be along in a moment to prove me wrong.
> *cough*
> ;-)
> Yeah, you can. That's how the MultiROM worked :)
But I thought that with the MultiROM the internal ROM was off.

If I understand correctly Adrian wants to put data on the CDn lines
between MREQL going low and RDL going low. The ROM may not go tristate
fast enough to prevent a clash on the CDn lines.  This was the problem I
had with UniDos in the PlusD and DISCiPLE when I tried to switch the ROM
out during a RST8. I had to get round it by having the same instruction
in both the (speccy)ROM and the PlusD shadow ROM.

As I wrote before if he's fighting RAM then there's no problem.


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