Hi all,
Just joined the list at the start of the week, been busy having a look at what you're upto...
It's been some time since I used my Sam, probably eight years or so.  It's sat in the attic with a load of Sam stuff in my parents' attic.  The closest thing I got to it was running the Sam emulator on my PC a couple of years ago.  Fantastic!  Though not as good as the real thing.
I imagine a lot has gone on in that time - too much for you to put in a mail I think...  Generally though, what's happening in the world of Sam these days?
Am starting to get all nostalgic now, thinking about those many hours I spent with Sam back in the early nineties.  I miss it...  that real sort of big community feel it had to it.
Kevin Cooper.

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  • Hi Kevin Cooper

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