DSK has no header, so it is good as long as it has .dsk file extension...

Well, and what is that "MaxiDOS"?

Mgr.(MSc.) Ales Keprt (also known as Aley)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** www.keprt.cz *** ICQ: 82357182
Dept. of Computer Science, VSB Technical University
Ostrava, CZ - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.cs.vsb.cz

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Dooré" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: NVG DSKification

>I have been going through all my disks and making copies of the ones with 
>bad sectors that I couldn't before the most lovely SamDisk2.0 was born.
> I have also been going through NVG as I nicked an entire copy the other 
> month and grabbing stuff that I haven't got locally and I realised that 
> there are still a lot of TD0's, PAK and such others so I have decided to 
> work my way through the NVG files and make them all DSK.
> Before I start in earnest I thought it would be wise to check to make sure 
> that no-one else has done this already, as it would be a good bit of 
> pre-processing work for samcoupe.org.
> With a nod towards the disk formats issue, I have decided unilaterally to 
> go for DSK for several reasons:
> 1. It easy.
> 2. Most of the stuff on NVG is PD and not subject to odd formats.
> 3. DSK will hopefully be convertable to any future all-encompassing format 
> (which I still strongly favour)
> Anything I find with MaxiDOS is invariable broken even under TD0 so I will 
> make a note to go hunting for it later, anything else I'll make a note of 
> and leave it.
> Dan.

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