>>Are there a Basic Compiler for SamCoupe ?
I have never seen one.
>>Are there a  "Typedef struct" (for create a type of object) in SamCoupe
This any help?:-
kicks off the DEFinition of a named PROCedure,
and DEF PROC must be the first keyword in a
program line (although preceding spaces and colour
control codes are allowed). The procedure name
must start with a letter, followed by a string of letters
or numbers or "$". Spaces are NOT allowed as any
part of this name, and upper and lower case letters
are treated exactly the same. But you can follow the
procedure name by a list of parameters, which must
be the names of variables, or you can use the DATA
keyword. They automatically become LOCAL to
the procedure. When DATA is used instead of a
parameter list, no assignments are made, but the list
of actual parameters that occur after the procedure
has been called can be dealt with by using READ
plus the function ITEM, which is explained below.
ENDing PROCedures
The location of a procedure in the program has no
effect on the speed of the program whatsoever.
the sam coupe Basic users Guide is on the NGV and at http://www.samcoupe.org/docs.html
[Note the sam Basic user guide is still pdf version 1, some formatting and OCR errors and full bookmarks will be in Version 2-]

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