Edwin Blink wrote:
> From: Geoff Winkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Trying to think this through...
> Like the Idea. So I looked a bit better at LDIR in ROM too.
> LDIR is made up of 5 M-cycles:
> 4,4,3,5,5 for standard LDIR = 21T
> 4,4,3+1,5,5+2 LDIR in RAM with RAM contemption = 24T
> 4+4,4+4,3+5,5,5+6 LDIR in RAM with Display contemption = 40Ts
> 4,4,3+1,5,5+2 LDIR in ROM with RAM contemption = 24Ts
> 4,4,3+5,5,5+6 LDIR in ROM with Display contemption = 32Ts

Mmm. Makes sense. It's "contention", btw.

Incidentally, what are the 5 cycles for an LDIR?

Obviously 2 cycles to read the instruction, one to read and one to write.
One of the 5's is evidently unused when (--BC)==0, so is it really the case
that the z80 reads the (erroneous) next instruction before doing PC-=2 (as
one source on the web suggested)? And if so, why 5 and not 4 (since reading
EDBO is 4 each)?


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