On Wed, 3 Aug 2005 23:37:14 +0100 Stuart Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've ported the keyboard relaying program that I wrote to assembly
> language, and I've found a problem: pressing ESCAPE breaks into SAM
> BASIC.  Could someone tell me how to stop it from doing that, please?

You could either DI first in your program, or (AFAICR) 
POKE 23361,1 (BERAKDI).

> Also, this is my first real assembly language program, so if anyone can
> give feedback, or spot any bugs, I'd be grateful!

Just a few questions:
1) Why did you use JSTKSTORE and JSTRS? Couldn't you just 
RST#10 the character? Or..in other words, I don't think I
understand the "test" routine.

2) Since you are alredy using ROM routines, why not use the
JREADKEY/JWAITKEY instead. This gives the key in A and
you are ready to send it to the stream.


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