Ian Spencer wrote:
> I'm almost 100% sure 33 was the first issue. This was the 
> first Outlet which was officially converted to run on the
> Sam Coupe and I think the last issue was 65

Here are directory listings for 32 and 33 (probably unreadable without a
fixed-width font).  If we get permission I'll upload them all to NVG...


Outlet 32:


  1  sam20       20  C 229385,10000
  2  AUTO         2  BASIC    10
  3  CONTENTS    17  BASIC  9900
  4  DAVE'SDEMO  25  BASIC  8000
  5  HANDYTYPE   11  BASIC  8000
  6  FAMOUS 5     8  BASIC  8000
  7  FIVERS      15  BASIC  8000
  8  FLOWERCLIP   6  BASIC  9000
  9  TELYTRIVIA  58  BASIC  9000
 10  ROMOVER      7  BASIC  8000
 11  NOUGHTS2    30  BASIC  8000
 12  MORSELEARN  10  BASIC  8000
 13  MESSG1       2  BASIC     1
 15  editorial#   6  C  34568,2960
 16  letters1 #  30  C  34568,14891
 17  letters2 #  31  C  34568,15455
 19  outboard #  10  C  34568,4590
 20  lookout  #   5  C  34568,2409
 21  outclass #  12  C  34568,6085
 22  lookahead#   4  C  34568,1860
 23  checkout #  32  C  34568,16091
 24  instruct2#  10  C  34568,4873
 25  sam intro#   8  C  34568,3977
 26  saminfo  #  51  C  34568,25617
 27  #32screen   14  MODE 1 SCREEN$
 28  flowerclp$  49  MODE 4 SCREEN$
 29  ROMFix2      1  C  22117,410  ,38501
 30  ROMFix1      1  C  16384,410  ,32768

 Number of Free K-Bytes = 541
 29 Files, 51 Free Slots

Outlet 33:


  1  sam20       20  C 229385,10000
  2  AUTO         2  BASIC    10
  3  CONTENTS    16  BASIC  9900
  4  VECTOR 3D   13  BASIC  8000
  5  CATLOADER   23  BASIC  8000
  6  LISTPROC     7  BASIC  8000
  7  LP           3  BASIC
  8  ZIGZAG      12  BASIC  8000
  9  WHATSORT    30  BASIC 10000
 10  SPORTCLIP    5  BASIC  9000
 11  MULTICALC    9  BASIC  9000
 12  PALCHART    20  BASIC  8000
 13  TEEDEE       7  BASIC  8000
 14  TD           2  BASIC
 15  GEEDEE       8  BASIC  8000
 16  GD           3  BASIC
 17  CODELISTA   14  BASIC  8000
 18  editorial#   6  C  34568,2552
 19  letters1 #  39  C  34568,19799
 20  outboard #   8  C  34568,4047
 21  lookout  #   7  C  34568,3473
 22  instructn#  12  C  34568,5677
 23  output   #  13  C  34568,6469
 24  outclass #  19  C  34568,9320
 25  lookahead#   4  C  34568,1560
 26  letters2 #  42  C  34568,21055
 27  instruct2#  20  C  34568,9780
 28  #33screen   14  MODE 1 SCREEN$
 29  ROMFix1      1  C  16384,410  ,32768
 30  ROMFix2      1  C  22117,410  ,38501
 31  whatscrn    14  MODE 1 SCREEN$
 32  whatsort#    1  C  61920,66
 33  sportclip$  14  MODE 1 SCREEN$
 34  pal$        50  MODE 4 SCREEN$
 35  MESSG1       2  BASIC     1
 37  PAL          6  BASIC

 Number of Free K-Bytes = 545
 37 Files, 43 Free Slots

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