Sorry to hear you`ve been ill... must say that
I`m looking forward to the site, even though
the SAM scene is as much a niche as you you can get
there`s still a lot of people (lot meaning some, :),
hehe ) ask about SAM in variuous places (even in 1  or
2 obscure Amiga  forums)...

It`s such a shame... I think I`ve missed some
discussions but I hope you can make some provisions
for a proper forum, I know i`ve never been into/able
to be at the various shows but after 14 years of
owning a SAM I`d dearly like to be able to post
sh*tloads of posts without fear of anooying people
within their email accounts :)...

Cal *_+

--- david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just to let everyone know - i've not forgotten about
> the site, just been very ill recently - and am
> mid-moving, so havent really been able to do much.
> But - I haven't forgotten about the site... it will
> be
> sorted soon (perhaps not as polished as i'd like -
> but
> it'll be able to be updated by anyone who wants to
> help :))
> I'd like to thank those kind people who've passed me
> stuff, and others who've offered to help when its
> finally sorted. Very appreciated!
> BTW - while i'm at it - as i've not posted on the
> list
> for a couple of weeks... great latest issue Colin!
> --- Calvin Allett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just wanted to hi to you guys (pity I can`t say
> and
> > gals, hehe)
> > 
> > Lost my internet connection few months ago so
> > normally
> > I`d have to say hope I ain`t missed anything, but
> in
> > a
> > scene as small as ours (or yours seen as I`m not a
> > ragular) I hope I`ve missed loads.
> > 
> > from my quick lookabout (and on pay per minute so
> > very
> > quick) I`d like to say to nice one to Colin, jeez
> > you
> > do a lot for the scene, the new games are looking
> > cool, especially Harlequin which I somehow missed
> > out
> > on on older systems... be great to see this on
> > SAM...
> > 
> > -----------------
> > 
> > What happened to Gavin (hope I`ve the name right)
> > and
> > his site?
> > 
> > David, any update on your site? would there be any
> > chance of us others adding to it?
> > 
> > ----------------------------------
> > 
> > Is anyone still interested in Basic games? I`ve a
> > demo
> > (very early) 
> > 
> > 
> >             
> >
> > 
> > To help you stay safe and secure online, we've
> > developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
> >
> > 

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