On 24 Feb 2009, at 00:27, Simon Owen wrote:
Andrew Collier wrote:
That would mean there should be 384*312=119808 t-states between frame
interrupts, but according to that article, if you measure the number
of instructions executed during a frame, then even with the screen off
it turns out to be slightly fewer than expected.

I'd be interested to see how the article measured a difference, as I've
only ever seen the official 119808 value myself.  Is issue 2 available

He didn't include code, but he described counting the number of NOP instructions executed between two consecutive frame interrupts. Unfortunately I won't have time within the next week or so to code and debug an implementation of it, but presumably it would be something along the lines of:

- fill sections C and D with NOPs
- put the stack somewhere near the top of B
- write an NMI handler which cleanly exits the program
- set up mode 2 interrupts to jump as close as possible to the start of section C
- enable interrupts and HALT
- press the NMI button before the stack overflows section A

Now examine the stack - every time a frame interrupt occurred it would have stacked the value of the PC, in theory that would be 29952 instructions after the point it jumped into the NOP sequence.

Although, thinking about it now, somewhere in this experiment you'll need to account for the time it takes to the Z80 to find its interrupt routine and to stack the PC. Does that take as much as 112 t-states?

(Incidentally, the reason I proposed IM2 was that the NMI vector would be in the middle of a NOP sequence which started at the IM1 interrupt address. Other than NMI, I can't think of a way to exit this loop which doesn't involve running non-NOP instructions during the test).

I picked 1-byte instructions with timings of 4-7T, which leaves a
different alignment for the following instruction.  That results in a
different amount of contention delay for the NOP opcode fetch.

In most of these cases the old-style rounding up to the next multiple of 4 still gives the same timings. Instructions that are a multiple of 4T
will mask the effects, but it's easy to create problems using a
sequences of non-4T multiples:

 ret  nz    ; 5T
 inc  hl    ; 9T!
 ret  nz    ; 7T!
 ret  nz    ; 8T
 ret  nz    ; 8T

Repeated instructions usually sync with T3 to settle on a consistent
(rounded) timing value, as seen in last two instructions.

I'm not sure I entirely understand the difference you're pointing out.

Is this simply a question of notation? Where an instruction waits several t-states before starting (presumably because of when the ASIC allows memory access for the instruction fetch) I would normally have counted that as part of the first instruction, whereas your examples are counting it in the second. For example, I would have written:

 ld  (hl),a ; 8T
 nop        ; 4T

 inc  hl    ; 8T
 nop        ; 4T

 ret  nz    ; 8T (assume condition not met)
 nop        ; 4T

So in your final example, I would have expected an instruction following that sequence to start 40T after the first ret nz did - each instruction having started at intervals of 8T. Is this not the case?

All that fun using just 1-byte instructions!

Indeed! And of course, things get more complicated when the screen is switched on (and let's face it, Simon's hi-colour display code is probably going to want to do that...)

The article introduced a rather convenient syntax to summarise the effects of running in the screen area (at least, for modes 3 and 4). The usual case is that all instructions will take twice the time they would with the screen off - but a few instructions take 8 t-states less that you would expect from that calculation (because they didn't need to access memory while the ASIC was contending with it, thus are not slowed down as much). Thus the article just lists the usual timing, and annotates with '*' any instruction which takes one fewer of the "apparent" 4T time slots that are available when the screen is on.

On top of all this, however, is the further complexity which occurs when your instruction is partly on the screen and partly off it - which can't easily be summarised by simple guidelines unfortunately (so my initial comment about the article's description being almost complete, was probably a bit rash on at least that basis if not the rest of this thread...)


 ---       Andrew Collier         ----
  ---- http://www.intensity.org.uk/ ---

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