----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Park" <alp...@......com>
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 12:06 PM

AP > Hello All,
AP > AP > Good to see some activity on here. AP > AP > It would be interesting to know what projects people are working on I have a
AP > Hunchback game in progress ...

I'd like to see a version of Hunchback!  That was always a favourite of mine 
back in the arcades of
the early '80s!  :-))  Oh to find a *real* arcade these days, instead of all 
those fruit machines!  :-(

As for my projects?  Well, I started three different projects - the earliest 
being sometime back in '98.
All of them got to various stages of completion, and all of them are scattered 
about on various floppy
disks and/or in various .ZIP files.  I think the last time I looked at any of 
the code must be around 10
years ago...  I'm sure you'll know what it's like looking at decade-old code, 
it probably won't make a
lot of sense these days!  Although I comment my code quite well, it's the little 
"tricks" used at the time
which you tend to forget!  Especially the "how or why" you did something in a 
particular way!  ;-)

Projects were:

QIX - A version of the Taito classic.  Got as far as the layout, player code 
and section fill routine.

CHESS - As the title says!  Gordon Wallis (HEXdidn't...) drew some fantastic 
graphics for this, which
really should see the light of day.  Engine was all but complete, but I wasn't 
satisfied with the playing
strength.  Needs plenty of tuning I feel, to stop it making the occasional 
stupid move!

BATTLEZONE - A version of the Atari classic.  This was going to be my follow up 
to Defender, and
the earliest of the three projects.  The plan was to make it as arcade 
"perfect" as possible.  Got as far as
the basic "3D" stuff, and line blitting code.  With the advent of Thomas 
Harte's ultra-complete/complex
3D engine any game in that genre (including this project) is now pretty much 

So, there are (were!)  my projects - all in various states of completion!  
Whether any of them get finished
is another matter!  It's been so long since I looked at any of the code it 
would probably be quicker to do
a re-write rather than try to understand the jumbled code I wrote all those 
years ago!!  ;-)

MISSILE COMMAND and CENTIPEDE were on the cards, too.  Although neither of 
these were ever


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