----- Original Message ----- From: "nev young" <pasiphae1...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: possibly a useful Z80 resource

Hi Nev,

though they don't seem to have heard of the SAM :-(


Hiya Ian,

Long time no see. How ya doin?

I was up in the attic yesterday searching for (something irrelevant that I never found) and went through my many crates of Sam Coupe stuff.

Was amazed by what I have.
For example;
 new unopened keyboards.
 complete boxed Sams.
 power supplies.
 IDE interfaces.
 disk drives.
 hundreds of bare pcbs for the sam clock that never was.
 manuals for all sorts of sam stuff.
 a dozen or so speccys.
 disciples and plusd.

I even found a box with my old SD Software show stock in.

Some day I may lose the nostalgia and let some of it go.


Hi Nev,

should really contact you off of the group but that said the group is a great place to at least know that most of the old crowd are still around. I'm now enjoying a quiet life as a pensioner, or not so quiet as we have a grandson :-) and I'm learning to fly.

Know what you mean about the nostalgia, I'm sure my loft doesn't have as many Sam bits in it as yours but still a fair amount of bits and pieces including a couple of Sams, it was still the most fun computer I have ever owned and so don't think I want to sell them any time soon, even though I tend to use the emulator these days but like you a couple of Speccys and +D's under the dust there too. The Z80 sighhhh still my favourite processor for assembler programming.


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