Hi all,

I just made a comment on World of Sam about porting speccy games and
thought it would be worthwhile to post it here as well.

> I’d be interested in having a go at porting anything from the speccy to the 
> Sam though.
> If another dev could help with disassembling the spectrum game and making 
> sense of the source I’d be confident enough to add new gfx and sound code and 
> I’d be happy to > put in the time to redraw graphics in 16 colours and remake 
> any music in e-tracker.
> Dizzy would be great except that it’s a Code Masters game. They might be a 
> bit cease-and-desisty about it.. ;)

My current Sam project is coming together nicely and I'm already
looking ahead for something fun to do before I start on another
original game.
Small games with simple concepts that can be ported quickly rather
than big licences would be the way to go IMO.  That way time could be
spent doing several games instead of one bigger one.  It would also
minimise the learning curve for me a bit ;)

So would anyone be interested in helping me get something started in
the near future?


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