Right, so... framebuffer, 1bit per pixel over/under map, 1bit per tile
8x8 collision map? For a total of 30816 bytes?

I'll assume that we're using 64kb for the two screen buffers, 64kb for
main game code and music/sound, meaning that the map would ideally
break into 96kb segments (for multiloading, with DOS still resident on
a 256kb machine) and be less than or equal to 384kb total (for a
single load on a 512kb machine, meaning we don't need DOS in memory)?

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:10 PM, the_wub ! <the...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been playing with the speccy version on the Sam this morning and
> I can see now the effect of the sprite being pushed up as you walk
> into the terrain.
> I'm not clear on how you're going to fit amiga screen shots into the
> Sam but I cannot wait to see it!  I'll carry on making up a sprite set
> and putting together a test screen in the meantime.

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