Oh, but I haven't actually tested the output stream yet. So for all I
know, some error is lurking somewhere making my numbers smaller by
accidentally throwing data away...

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Thomas Harte <tomh.retros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll wager you can do better at compression than I can at present, as
> I'm almost completely new to this. But that makes it interesting.
> It's obviously wrong to focus too heavily on any test set, but I've
> bundled together the five images I'm currently testing with, in their
> optimal PNG forms, and uploaded to
> http://members.allegro.cc/ThomasHarte/temp/SamTestScreens.zip
> You should get files screen1 to screen5 (two from Dizzy, three from
> Flashback) which as PNGs are sized 5,553, 6,108, 10,643, 10,005 and
> 11,533 bytes respectively.
> The only thing implicit in my output data is that the images are 256
> pixels wide. Not all are 192 pixels high but the height is left
> implicit from the total number of pixels. Palettes are included with
> the images.
> With that in mind, I'm currently at 5,531, 7,273, 11,956, 10,538 and
> 12,367 bytes. But still working on it. So I won't take offence if you
> embarrass me thoroughly...
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Adrian Brown
> <adr...@apbcomputerservices.co.uk> wrote:
>> I hope these will support the EEPROM highscore saving or similar ;).  Ive 
>> got some strange compression modes, bung me the image and ill see how well i 
>> can compress it.  Good to see people looking at the Sam again.  Im hoping to 
>> get some more time on Sam Uip soon
>> Adrian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On 
>> Behalf Of Thomas Harte
>> Sent: 28 July 2010 22:31
>> To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
>> Subject: Re: Dizzy (was: Porting spectrum games...)
>> Hmmm, not doing very well with the Flashback image I chose to test
>> (the top left screen) at all. PNG is 10,649 bytes and I'm 13,507
>> bytes. But unlike yesterday, that's with the Huffman tree stored
>> (whoops!) and the palette thrown on. I've also tweaked the LZ77 stage
>> a bit, so it's now a 256 pixel rolling buffer with repetitions up to
>> 18 pixels in length and the entire screen compressed as one block.
>> That said, at one point the storage space for all three images seemed
>> to go up by about 1.5kb for absolutely no reason. So I don't
>> thoroughly trust my code.
>> I've tried sorting the palette by hue (to give it some sort of
>> likelihood that nearby colours are near each other in the palette) and
>> applying the various PNG prediction filters to the entire image with
>> each and every one causing the file size to grow. Which is quiet
>> probably why PNG picks them line by line. So that's the experiment for
>> tomorrow night...
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Thomas Harte <tomh.retros...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> The previously posted Fantasy World Dizzy map seems to have come from
>>> 'Hall of Light', which offers itself as 'the database of Amiga games'
>>> at http://hol.abime.net/. You can't just chop up the map and reuse it
>>> though, as they've watermarked it with an alpha transparency. It's
>>> large but quite spaced out, so I've just used screens that the
>>> watermark doesn't touch. And probably if you had a piece of software
>>> that was at all competent at reducing colour depth then you'd be able
>>> to wash it off again.
>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Stefan Drissen
>>> <stefan.dris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> For Amiga Treasure Island Dizzy:
>>>> http://www.vgmaps.com/Atlas/Amiga/TreasureIslandDizzy-TreasureIsland.png
>>>> The www.vgmaps.com site has quite a few more cool maps (for example the
>>>> Flashback ones in my previous post).
>>>> Stefan
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On
>>>> Behalf Of Andrew Park
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:29
>>>> To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
>>>> Subject: RE: Dizzy (was: Porting spectrum games...)
>>>> It is great to see some activity on here again, 1 quick question where did
>>>> the amiga dizzy map come from to get screens, i've been looking for good
>>>> amiga screenshot maps everywhere as i'm not an artist and this stops me
>>>> writing games, i like to see graphical progress when i'm writing.
>>>> Anybody send me a link?
>>>> Andy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On
>>>> Behalf Of Thomas Harte
>>>> Sent: 28 July 2010 00:11
>>>> To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
>>>> Subject: Re: Dizzy (was: Porting spectrum games...)
>>>> Actually, late night spurt - with Huffman trees it's 5,528 bytes and
>>>> 6,653 bytes respectively. No predictor yet. The former technically
>>>> beats the PNG size, but I'd imagine that just means the predictor is
>>>> barely going to help and I'm gaining a small win by not including any
>>>> of the normal file padding or headers. Or even the palette.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Thomas Harte <tomh.retros...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Further to this: I've been playing around with it today using a couple
>>>>> of the more complicated screens from that Amiga map which didn't
>>>>> feature the watermark (since it's an alpha transparency, causing the
>>>>> number of colours to skyrocket), resized to 256 pixels across (which
>>>>> makes 141 pixels high). For a sensible lower bound on what I should
>>>>> expect, I saved them as PNGs and ran them through OptiPNG, PNGCrush,
>>>>> and AdvPNG, keeping the smallest version.
>>>>> The first (Dylan and a tree) is 5,553 bytes as a PNG. The second
>>>>> (featuring the Armorog) 6,108 bytes.
>>>>> In my quick dash at compression code, I implemented just a trivial
>>>>> little LZ77, using an exhaustive search to pattern match and treating
>>>>> each scan line as a completely separate thing to compress (and, as a
>>>>> result, rounded up to the next full byte). Five bits for a literal, 17
>>>>> for a back reference, the native addressable thing being a nibble.
>>>>> From that, I got 6,080 bytes for the first screen and 7,170 for the
>>>>> second. And this is without yet implementing a Huffman tree (probably
>>>>> best done per screen) or any sort of predictor.
>>>>> So, it looks like on a 16 colour display the LZ77 may actually be the
>>>>> most of it. In which case it's going to be hard to support the
>>>>> conclusion that PNG is massively better than the various common
>>>>> techniques when the Sam was a going concern. A Huffman tree is an easy
>>>>> win and something I'll experiment with tomorrow hopefully and a
>>>>> predictor is a useful addition even when dealing with hard edged low
>>>>> colour graphics because it introduces the second dimension as a going
>>>>> concern whereas LZ77 has no concept of that.
>>>>> Would it be possible to get a single screen hand prepared to be really
>>>>> beautiful rather than ripped from a tilemap?
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Stefan Drissen
>>>>> <stefan.dris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Fair enough. You could of course create PNG tiles so that you do not need
>>>> to
>>>>>> Flash! anything. You could then even also use a 256-colour PNG image as
>>>> map
>>>>>> editor, the colour determining the tile... ;-)
>>>>>> Flashback would be very cool - on the PC I don't remember it having
>>>>>> scrolling. You would however also need to create an animated PNG / MPEG
>>>>>> player for the animated sequences.
>>>>>> Lots of fun things to do... :-)
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On
>>>>>> Behalf Of the_wub !
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 19:21
>>>>>> To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Dizzy (was: Porting spectrum games...)
>>>>>> If png's can be used then I think we should do it even if using an
>>>>>> image of tiles is a bit ironic!  It would allow changes to be made to
>>>>>> the image in the gimp rather than flash! if nothing else! ;)  If a
>>>>>> success, I don't dare to dream about scumm but another possible port
>>>>>> would be Flashback, I can't remember how much if any scrolling is in
>>>>>> there but something would be possible if pngs could be used as source
>>>>>> gfx...
>>>>>> I don't know enough to comment on the feasibility of it all but I do
>>>>>> have a question, why use the PC bitmaps and not the ST?  The Atari is
>>>>>> already 16 colours and it would be easy enough to fancy them up a bit,
>>>>>> make them a bit less tiley..  I'm saying this without having a good
>>>>>> look at how the PC gfx would work in 16 colours though...
>>>>>> Hey Warren!  I'd guess that whichever direction the project goes
>>>>>> there'll be tons to do.  The more the merrier I say :)

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