I noticed after I hit send at 382Dh it is  jumping to 4200h, but there is 
nothing there.  The ROM disassembly says it is "handle hook code in A", well I 
suppose it can't if there isn't any (samdos?) code at 4200. So how do I get it 
in there?


From: Andrew Gillen 
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 12:09 AM
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no 
Subject: Loading stuff from machine code with the ROM functions

Hi all

Wonder if someone can offer some advice?  I'm trying to get my program to load 
in new data during runtime. I can do this at the start of the program by 
pointing IX to my uifa, loading the header and then pointing IX to the difa and 
c,d and e to the appropriate place as per the technical manual (although it 
states the difa is returned 80bytes above my uifa which isn't the case - it 
seems to be at &4b50 as per the documentation for B-Dos (but I'm not using 
b-dos, I'm using Samdos (or so I thought!))). Example code that I am using (and 
works fine when called the machine code from the basic prompt):

        ld ix,uifa
        RST &08
        DEFB 129
        ld ix,&4B50
        ld c,(ix+34)
        ld e,(ix+35)
        ld d,(ix+36)
        ld hl,&8000
        rst &08
        defb 130
uifa: defm 19,'level1.bin'

So that works ok, I can load about 15 files in to whatever pages I need and all 
is well until I then want to load in a bunch more later. I assumed it would be 
a simple case of paging the ROM back in and running the same code as above only 
it crashes when I try to read in the header of the file. Am I missing something 
really obvious that I need to do after I page the ROM in and before I run the 
code to load the file? I thought it might be the stack pointing to a random 
location but even after re-pointing to what appears to be a clean place in free 
memory it still goes haywire

Any tips?


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