ld sp,nn - address of 16bytes from end of screen$ in ram you wanna
dump to video ram - bit pointless on sam as you have 16 possible
screen$ in ram and could just change the vmpr to point to a fresh one
without having to move the ram to video ram in the first place -
unless you were moving it from external ram in which case you would be
loading it from a mass storage device into external ram and then
copying it to internal video ram which is a bit of a waste no as the
loading it in the first place wont be that much faster when you load
it into external ram any way that it doesnt make much sense?
pop af,bc,de,hl exx ex af pop af,bc,de,hl
ld sp,nn - the address you wanna push to in reverse order
push hl,de,bc,af exx exaf push hl,de,bc,af
 no good for spites as they would be 8 pixels wide and would need a
single pixel shift stored in ram meaning two store sprites for each
one onscreen?
ld hl easier is it? one byte at a time?
so even for a row of text characters using sp to store the next
location is no use as you print from right to left for each row of
pixels on each line?
what does master basic do? seemed much quicker maybe it was a trick of simcoop!
chris says video is not impressive
says its demo coding im asking about so not interested
whish he had the time to explain
i would have gone thru code if i had a clue what to do with ix iy
mnemonics now says used for encryption only well im not allowed
according to my internet serivce provider!

On 24 September 2011 20:56, Roger Jowett <rogerjow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ww.zilog.com/docs/z8encorexp/PB0164.pdf
> 2kb register ram im obviously mixed up
> not that it could use this for a proportional font or copying video
> ram from one place to another naturally its like the 256 bytes of
> index the 65c12 has? cant be relocated to ram or converted from ascii
> codes to text onscreen?
> On 24 September 2011 20:54, Roger Jowett <rogerjow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> chris says it isnt quicker to use push for trasfner of screen$ from ram to 
>> ram
>> says ld hl is better but dunno as he is too busy to explain
>> On 24 September 2011 20:53, Roger Jowett <rogerjow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> my mistake 512 but arent they 16bit?
>>> On 19 September 2011 01:46,  <da...@properbastard.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Quoting Roger Jowett <rogerjow...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> doesnt z8 have 4096 registers?
>>>> Not according the CPU World
>>>> http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Z8/

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