
that entropy email doesnt work either

On 26 October 2011 15:35, Roger Jowett <rogerjow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  oh i get it this is a message from you to me?
> so you are directly explaining something about my
> behaviour
> with regard to posting binaries
> i do not know what a binary is
> do you mean the screenshots i made using simcoupe
> it was a program listing
> i was hoping someone would be bale to take a look at it and work out where
> the heck the program lines were that load the snapshot from the disc into
> ram and then figure out how to select the top 32kb of ram from 32768 onwards
> and then page in two external 16kb ram pages in hmpr C&D and then figure out
> how to poke the 32KB that was previously there back into the external ram
> and work out why this would make the 48 code crash - especially if we
> focussed mainly on vector freescape stuff as most of this was never more
> than a coupld of frames a second
> ok so first of yes you are right that was the wrong program to send a
> listing of
> but please
> is there any chance that as all  i really wanted to do was send someone
> who9 understands how a 48 emulator works the basic program llisting from
> simcoupe
> as im getting turffed off the internet every hour as im in a library still
> utterly unable to use the internet at home despite having built ten pcs and
> not one wants to connect at more than 1-10% of the advertised connection
> speed... off topic i know
> but how is modifying a speccy 48 emulator on sam off topic exactly?
> i think i have sent the wrong program though
> i think i should have sent this:
> explos.emu
> it says it is BAS for BASIC but it is also utterly huge
> 254 secotrs so roughly 128KB of BASIC
> how do i make a program listing that is easier to send to folk?
> can i use teh simcoupe settings to alter the printer to a file
> can i then type LLIST in sim coupe
> will this send the program listing to a file?
> how do i find the file please
> can i zip the file or is it automatically compressed
> frode give us a hand
> i know i seem to piss folks off more than i please them but if you bother
> to take a look at youtube i have stuffed a load of videos up on there i know
> they are not as good as the other ones that other contributors have uploaded
> mind you i bet they havent had to upload them about four or five times a
> piece in order to get one that works thanks to the delightful staff in teh
> library here who have nothing better to do than screw me around all day long
> i was also desperate to make sure that any video i did manage to upload
> after the fifth or sixth attempt - luckily im loosing my monthly data usage
> even though technically the data transmitted isnt actually working but i
> guess if you are going to rob folk you really need 2
> so i also tried to make sure the credits of the videos make clear that i
> did nothing with regard to programming or hardware or the conversion
> software and creditted the people who did all the hard work
> u didnt see the ati hi deff 228MB video? its only 30MB of it but it took me
> ages and was only accomplished thanks to much big help from edwin collier
> andLeszek Daniel Chmielewski
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmwW_6kUdHw&feature=channel_video_title
> it wont easy
> used windows media player classic to replay at 320x200 full screen
> recaptured it then used bmp2scr to convert it frame by frame it stopped
> after only 30mb i guess someone in the computer department at teh library
> has stocks and shares in acorn and couldnt bare to see a woefully inferrior
> machine posting a better video than teh bbc model b
> well frode thanks for the email
> hope this reply hasnt gone on too long
> is a binary any file at all then
> including sam disc images and programs?
> is the reason you dont want them something to do with the available storage
> space that your database has?
>  are larger emails pushing your storage capacity dangerously close to teh
> limit?
> they were pretty tiny for pc
> only 10-20kb a piece and ten of them per email i was utterly stunned at teh
> size of the darn program
> it took me an hour after finishing to realise that it was the wrong sodding
> program anyway!
> On 26 October 2011 08:06, Tennebø Frode <frode.tenn...@saabgroup.com>wrote:
>> OK.  I will, against better judgement, urge you to follow these simple
>> rules.
>> 1) Never, ever post binaries to the list.  This is a text only list.
>> 2) See 1).
>> 3) Stay on topic.  I know you have some sort of compulsion to veer of on a
>> tangent based on whatever is on your mind at any time, but remember that
>> none of the other subsribers to the list are mind readers.
>> 4) Don't write the way you think, write so that others have a reasonable
>> chance to understand what you have written.  A simple test is to not send
>> the mail straight away, but come back in a few hours and read it and see if
>> you understand it yourself.
>> In short: No binaries, on-topic and legible.
>> Perhaps you ask why you should consider this?  Well, I am getting a lot of
>> complaints about your activity.  And several people have even left the list
>> as a direct consequence of your posts.  Please, behave!
>>  -Frode
>> --
>> ^ Frode Tennebø               | email: frode.tenn...@saabgroup.com ^
>> | Saab Technologies Norway AS | Isebakkeveien 49                   |
>> | N-1788 Halden               | Phone: +47 45 24 99 39             |
>> | with Standard.Disclaimer; use Standard.Disclaimer;               |
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no
>> > [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no]
>> > Sent: 25 October 2011 16:41
>> > To: sam-users-appro...@nvg.ntnu.no
>> > Subject: BOUNCE sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no: Message too long

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