On 1 Feb 2012, at 20:07, Thomas Harte wrote:

> I thought this was worth discussing separately but in the JAM
> Assembler conversation earlier today Andrew Gillan provided a link to
> http://sam.speccy.cz/ , on which one of the documents is
> http://sam.speccy.cz/coding/hardware_scroll.txt — which alleges that
> changing the border rapidly between black and white can affect the
> position of the pixel area within the television frame by a row. Sadly
> it doesn't bother to explain what aspect of the hardware it thinks is
> responsible or to provide any real timing information, preferring to
> talk at great length about how a single pixel hardware scroll would
> buy you two frames to update the display rather than one if you wanted
> a scrolling area. It's also weirdly specific to a particular monitor
> in one place, and I notice that whatever effect it thinks it is
> relying on doesn't work in Sim Coupe.
> Can anyone comment on whether the article documents a real Sam
> hardware effect rather than merely a perceived effect specific to a
> particular monitor?

Sounds to me just perceived effect maybe something to do with the fact TVs 
interlace, but who knows.

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