how many attachments? how big are they?
im glad they are all different sizes and numbers
otherwise youd be able to work out that at 8mbps your £400.00 a
quarter internet service should trasnfer what 1MB a second - roughly -
not one of you explaining just how long it took to transfer teh 8mb
you clima i sent you - having difficulty converting megabits into
kilobytes are we?
dont worry i cant even understand the technical manuals explanation of
hmpr bits5&6
or why teh heck our only spell checker would ignore the 32768 bytes of
the rom with its everal hundred keywords which are all in english not
to mention how many other words you could find in the rom code if you
looked for them - or the dictionary program itself - dont worry modems
dont use dictionarys to compress the html text they send and receive
its much better more efficient to send every letter of every word and
completely ignore teh hardware compression that is built into all
networked devices - other wise youd end up using a fone mdoem to
contact a local broadcast station to trasnmit data or video to a tv
tuner sitting in your pc and that just wouldnt flounce any local
server with GB of low quality video data which could have been
compressed into a 1mb emulator and a few mb of program for the
none of you have looked at youtube? there are some excellent sam and
spectrum - even other 8 bit machine videos up on there - you can trash
mine and have them removed if you like the credit for all of them is
Blink Chmielewski Collier and Keprt

On 06/04/2012, Thomas Harte <> wrote:
> He did the skull animation that Aleš posted about just recently,
> didn't he? Which is a tape file of a 25 fps animation that a suitably
> accelerated emulator — such as ASCD — can play as a video

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