Hi Marcos,

If it's of any use, I did a quick hack version of my shamview converter to keep 
the full image at 16 colours.  It scales the source image to 256x192 and 
converts to SAM palette, then picks the top 16 colours to use for a final 
conversion.  Script is here: http://obo.homeip.net/img2sam.py

It doesn't give a properly optimised palette, and dithers for any missing 
colours, but those could probably be improved upon (tolerance for nearest 
colour matching perhaps).  It also generates PNG output, but converting to SAM 
mode 4 and wrapping in a disk image probably wouldn't take much work.


On 12 Dec 2012, at 03:44, Marcos Cruz wrote:

> Hi,
> I've edited the WoS' page about Fred 46
> (<http://www.worldofsam.org/node/567>) to include an interesting program
> I recently discovered while searching all disk magazines for useful
> tools and info: 'BMP to SAM' by P.Crompton ('SAM to BMP' is there too,
> but I don't need it).
> I've been tinkering with it in order to import images and grab them for
> a project. It works fine, but it was not easy to create BMPs with the
> exact requirements. At the moment I use a combination of manipulations
> with mtPaint and commands from the netpbm tools (both in Debian), though
> the palette conversion is not working fine yet.  Fortunately, the mail
> list archive is a good source of info, e.g. the following old threads:
> http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.systems.sam-coupe/thread=1422
> http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.systems.sam-coupe/thread=22779
> I hope I'll eventually find out a way to automate the conversion from
> the original BMP (or other format) to the final MGT disk image with the
> final mode 4 screen.
> I suppose P.Crompton is the same Paul Crompton mentioned in other Fred
> issues. Can someone confirm? If so, I'll complete the entry.
> By the way, can he be contacted? I'd like to take a look at the Z80
> source, maybe do some changes or translate the algorithm. It wouldn't be
> difficult to dissasemble anyway.
> Marcos
> -- 
> http://programandala.net

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