<< Earlier this year the Pentagon established a special intelligence unit to
re-examine evidence of an Iraq-Al Qaida relationship. After initially
fighting the proposal, the CIA agreed to supply this unit with copies of its
own reports going back ten years. I have spoken to three senior officials
who have seen its conclusions, which are striking. "In the Cold War," says
one of them, "often you'd draw firm conclusions and make policy on the basis
of just four or five reports. Here there are almost 100  separate examples
of Iraq-Al Qaida cooperation going back to 1992." All these reports, says
the official, were given the CIA's highest credibility rating - defined as
information from a source which had proven reliable in the past. At least
one concerns bin Laden personally, who is said to have spent weeks with a
top Mukhabarat officer in Afghanistan in 1998.>>

Evening Standard (UK)
December 9, 2002
Saddam and Al Qaida
By David Rose

Despite their bitter divisions over possible war in Iraq, doves and many
hawks on this side of the Atlantic share a common, often-stated belief: that
there is "no evidence" of a link between Osama bin laden's Al Qaida network
and Saddam Hussein's regime. In London and Washington, the Foreign Office,
MI6, the State Department and the CIA have been spinnng this claim to
reporters for more than a decade, long before the attacks of September 11
last year.

Constant repetition of an erroneous position does not, however, make it
true. Having investigated the Iraqi connection for more than a year, I am
convinced it is false. The strongest evidence comes from a surprising
source - the files of those same intelligence agencies who have spent so
long publicly playing this connection down.

According to the conventional wisdom, Saddam  is a "secular" dictator, whose
loathing for Islamic fundamentalism is intense, while bin Laden and his
cohorts would like to kill the Iraqi president almost as much George W.
Bush. All reports of a link can be disregarded on this ground alone.

Though they may get scant attention, some of the facts of Saddam's
involvement with Islamic terrorism are not disputed. Hamas, the
fundamentalist Palestinian group, whose gift to the world is the suicide
bomb, has maintained a Baghdad office - funded by Saddam - for many years.
His intelligence service, the Mukhabarat, has a special department, whose
sole function is liaison with Hamas. In return, Hamas has praised Saddam
extravagantly on its website and on paper.

Since his defeat in 1991, Saddam's supposed secularism has looked decidedly
thin. Increasingly, he has relied on Islamist rhetoric, in an attempt to
rally the "Arab street". Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa justified
its call for Muslims to kill American and Jewish civilians on the basis of a
lengthy critique of US hostility towards "secular" Iraq.

It is also undisputed that Iraqi-sponsored assassins tried to kill George
Bush I on a visit to the Gulf  in 1993. The same year, Abdul Rahman Yasin
mixed and made the truck bomb which wrought destruction and killed six in
the first New York World Trade Centre attack - then coolly boarded a plane
for Baghdad, where he still resides. There is strong evidence that Ramzi
Yousef, leader of both the 1993 New York bombing and a failed attempt two
years later to down 12 American airliners over the Pacific, was an Iraqi
intelligence officer. All this was known in the nineties. Nevertheless, the
"no connection" argument was rapidly becoming orthodoxy.

The 9/11 attacks were, self-evidently, a failure of intelligence: no one saw
them coming. Awareness of this failure, and its possible consequences for
individuals' careers, are the only reasons I can find for the wall of spin
which the spooks have fed to the media almost ever since. Iraq must have
been more intensely spied upon than any other country throughout the 1990s.

If the agencies missed a Saddam-Al Qaida connection, it might reasonably be
argued, then many heads should roll.

My own doubts emerged more than a year ago, when a very senior CIA man told
me that, contrary to the line his own colleagues were assiduously
disseminating, there was evidence of an Iraq-Al Qaida link. He confirmed a
story I had been told by members of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National
Congress - that two of the hijackers, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, had
met Mukhabarat officers in the months before 9/11 in the United Arab
Emirates.  This, he said, was part of a pattern of contact between Iraq and
Al Qaida which went back years.

Yet the attempts to refute the link were feverish. The best known example is
the strange case of the meetings in Prague between Mohamed Atta, the 9/11
plot's alleged leader, and Ahmed Khalil Al-Ani, a Mukhabarat sabotage
expert. For at least the third time, the New York Times tried at the end of
October to rebut the claim that the Prague meetings ever happened, reporting
that President Vaclav Havel had phoned the White House to tell Bush that it
was fiction. Barely had the paper hit the streets before Havel's spokesman
stated publicly that the story was a "fabrication". Not only had Havel not
phoned Bush, the Czechs remained convinced that Atta did meet Al-Ani. They
had been surveilling him continuously because his predecessor had been
caught red-handed - in a plot to detonate a terrorist bomb.

As I reveal in the new issue of Vanity Fair, earlier this year the Pentagon
established a special intelligence unit to re-examine evidence of an Iraq-Al
Qaida relationship. After initially fighting the proposal, the CIA agreed to
supply this unit with copies of its own reports going back ten years. I have
spoken to three senior officials who have seen its conclusions, which are
striking. "In the Cold War," says one of them, "often you'd draw firm
conclusions and make policy on the basis of just four or five reports. Here
there are almost 100  separate examples of Iraq-Al Qaida cooperation going
back to 1992." All these reports, says the official, were given the CIA's
highest credibility rating - defined as information from a source which had
proven reliable in the past. At least one concerns bin Laden personally, who
is said to have spent weeks with a top Mukhabarat officer in Afghanistan in

This week, attention remains focused on the UN weapons inspectors, and the
deadline for Iraq's declaration of any weapons of mass destruction. But last
month's Security Council resolution also noted Iraq's failure to abandon
support for international terror, as it had promised at the end of the 1991
Gulf War. If there were the political will - rather a big if, admittedly -
this could constitute a casus belli every bit as legitimate as Iraqi
possession of a nuclear weapon.

Ignoring Iraq's support for terror is a seductive proposition, which fits
pleasingly with democracies' natural reluctance to wage war. But if we are
serious about winning the war on terror, self-delusion is not an option. An
attempt to achieve regime change in Iraq would not be a distraction, but an
integral part of the struggle.

David Rose is a contributing editor to Vanity Fair magazine. His article on
Saddam, Al Qaida and the Iraqi opposition goes on sale today.

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