Iraqi Minister Threatens To Hit States That Provide Bases To US Troops
London Al-Sharq al-Awsat in Arabic 20 Dec 02 p7
Subslug: Report by Zaynab Muhammad in Cairo:  "An Iraqi Minister Warns:  We
Will Hit Any Country That Provdes Bases for US Troops"

[FBIS Translated Text]     Iraqi Trade Minister Mahdi Salih has warned
that Baghdad will hit any Arab or foreign country that provides bases for
the US troops taking part in attacking Iraq.   He accused the UN of
seizing Iraq's revenues from the Oil for Food Program.   He noted that
Iraq's oil exports amount to $60 billion, of which the UN seized $23
billion in connection with the cost of the inspection committees and the
UN administrative system.   This, he added, "prevented Iraq from
fulfilling the economic contracts concluded as part of this program."

    Salih also accused the United States of "creating a veiled embargo on
Iraq that led to obstructing contracts worth $17 billion in the past 6
years by creating a new mechanism that keeps buyers from knowing the
price of an oil barrel until after the sale and the delivery, contrary to
previous arrangements.   This has made buyers run away from the Iraqi
oil", he added.

    Speaking at a meeting with the Egyptian Businessmen Community, Salih
noted that the Iraqi people "do not care about the media campaign led by
the United States to brainwash Arabs and foreigners." He pointed out that
the Baghdad government will supply the Iraqi people with all weapons in
the event of an attack on Iraqi.   Salih threatened to strike at any Arab
or foreign country that wishes to establish a strategic base for the US
weapons to strike Iraq.   He noted that what is happening to Iraq is an
attempt to fragment the Arab economic power, which the United States has
warned against the danger of its growth in recent time as a result of the
free trade agreements concluded among Arab states.   These agreements
increase the Arab homeland's resistance to any external aggression, he

    Salih pointed out that "in the event of an aggression, Iraq will be a
graveyard for the Americans, as it was for the British."   He noted that
"the tombs of more than 100,000 British people" are located in Iraq, a
reference to the British troops killed in Iraq during World War I in
particular and the 1920 revolution.

    The Iraqi Minister accused Israel and the United States of using
biological weapons to spread diseases in the Arab states at a time when
the Arabs are not allowed to make use of genetic engineering in
agriculture and the Arab citizens are not permitted to study about the
atom abroad, are pursued, and even assassinated.

    He stressed that the expected war threatens the Iraqi economy,
including contracts worth $1.7 billion.   It will make it difficult for
Iraq to pay its outstanding external debts, which amount to $32.2
billion.   He also cited the risks against Arab tourism and the existing
Arab investments from Arab immigrants who have started to bring their
money back, adding that the United States seeks the instability of these
investments in the Arab region.

[Description of Source: London Al-Sharq al-Awsat in Arabic -- Influential
Saudi-owned London daily providing independent coverage of Arab and
international issues; editorials reflect official Saudi views on foreign

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