The Washington Post
Powell and Bush at Cross-Purposes?
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, January 10, 2003

The single most remarkable passage in Bob Woodward's "Bush at War" has, to
my knowledge, gone unremarked. In early August 2002, Colin Powell decides
that the Iraq hawks have gotten to the president, and that he has not
weighed in enough to restrain them. He feels remorse:

"During the Gulf War, when he had been chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Powell had played the role of reluctant warrior, arguing to the first
President Bush, perhaps too mildly [emphasis added], that containing Iraq
might work, that war might not be necessary. But as the principal military
adviser, he hadn't pressed his arguments that forcefully because they were
less military than political."

Now, it is well known that Powell had been against the Gulf War and for
"containment." What was not known was that, if Woodward is to be believed,
Powell to this day still believes that sanctions were the right course and
that he should have pushed harder for them.

This is astonishing. After a decade of bitter experience we know that
sanctions are utterly useless in dealing with Saddam Hussein. If he did not
give up his weapons programs in response to the most stringent sanctions
imposed after defeat and humiliation in war, imagine how little effect
sanctions would have had if he had been left in control not just of Kuwait
and all its oil but of all his military assets as well.

Advocating the sanctions Band-Aid 12 years ago can be forgiven. But after
what we have learned since then, how can one still think that would have
been the better policy? Even Richard Gephardt admits that in retrospect the
Democrats' (and Powell's) advocacy of sanctions was wrong. Sanctions would
have left Kuwait under Hussein and left Hussein in possession of a nuclear
program that was just months away from success. Only the Gulf War prevented
Iraq from becoming a nuclear power.

Powell regrets not having prevented the war that prevented that outcome?
This places Powell's actions in the current Iraq crisis in a new light. In
August 2002 he persuaded the president to go to the United Nations. The
pitfalls of such a course were obvious. International support is lovely, but
key members of the Security Council have long undermined any serious effort
to disarm Hussein and have publicly opposed the president's policy of regime

Did Powell go to the United Nations to garner support for the president's
policy? Or did he go to undermine that policy and implement instead the
preferred Powell policy of "containment" -- leaving Hussein in place -- by
setting up an endless inspection process that keeps America at bay?

Which is it? We don't know. But if it was Powell's intention to advance
policy rather than thwart Bush's policy, then it is incumbent upon him to
help the president out of the U.N. inspections box Powell created.

It is impossible to find weapons of mass destruction in an uncooperative
country. Even strong, determined inspectors will fail. Look: The United
States was attacked with anthrax -- and more than a year later we still
can't find the stuff, even with the cooperation of the entire national
government and every law enforcement agency in sight. How do you expect to
find anthrax in a country in which the authorities are hiding it?

Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix is neither strong nor determined. He was
handpicked by France and Russia in 2000 for precisely that reason. (When it
was suggested to an administration official that Blix was Inspector
Clouseau, he protested that this was unfair: "Clouseau was trying to find
stuff.") Everyone knows that the only way to find weapons is to question
Iraqi scientists under conditions of protective asylum outside Iraq. Yet
Blix has contemptuously dismissed this option as running "an abduction

Instead, he is running a farce. President Bush has been outspoken in
expressing skepticism about the inspection process. But the president should
not be out front taking the public relations hit for being openly skeptical.
This is the job of the secretary of state. It is the job of the man who set
up the Blix inspection game in the first place.

On Jan. 27 Blix will present his findings to the Security Council. They will
be equivocal. He already told the Security Council yesterday that he found
no smoking gun. (Surprise!) Blix's report will call for endless more
inspections and will be seized upon by defenders of the status quo on the
Security Council to deny the legitimacy of American military action. It will
then be Powell's duty to discount the Blix charade -- to point out, for
example, that Blix has not taken a single Iraqi scientist out of the country
for interrogation free from Iraqi coercion -- and to explain why America
cannot be deterred by it.

Or is charade Powell's intention, the way to vindicate his misgivings about
Gulf War I and to ensure that Saddam Hussein's regime remains merely
contained -- and intact?

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