The Washington Post
Ever Faster
By Jim Hoagland
Sunday, January 12, 2003

President Bush does not have a poker face. He allows himself the luxury of
letting his emotions show through to communicate his inner feelings to
others. Study the recent news photographs and television film and you see
the image of a man who knows that he will very soon have to send American
forces to war in Iraq.

In truth the decision is being made for him in large part by the pace and
direction of events. Think of the Bush campaign for regime change in Iraq as
a crowded bus picking up speed on a straight, clear highway. There are still
exit ramps that can be taken at 35 miles per hour. But they become
impossible to take at speeds of 60 or higher. And that is close to the speed
now attained in the buildup of diplomatic and military pressures on Saddam

The Iraqi dictator's actions are now dictated by an iron logic that leads to
war as well. He verbally abuses U.N. weapons inspectors and Arab neighbors
who would be useful to him in averting war. But he must maintain his bloody
control at home by showing toughness in crisis. Wars start when each nation
is convinced it has no choice but to continue what it is doing, because
every alternative is worse.

The last metaphorical exit ramp before American invasion begins would
presumably be the Iraqi dictator's flight or removal by coup. But the point
has come when even that event is unlikely to relieve the extreme pressures
that have been focused on Iraq for the past year. Would Bush order American
divisions deployed on Iraq's borders not to intervene to halt a bloodbath
being carried out by Saddam Hussein's heirs against rebelling Iraqis?

I don't know the answer. I suspect Bush doesn't either at this point. But it
is a question that now has to be thought about seriously. Iraqis have
internalized the expectation that Saddam Hussein and his murderous regime
are history. So has much of the Arab world. A second failure -- repeating
the one made by Bush's father in 1991 -- to fulfill that expectation while
the means are at hand would be disastrous.

Saddam Hussein's leading opponents are scheduled to gather in northern Iraq
in a few days to shape a provisional government that would be able to work
with U.S. forces as Iraqi territory is liberated. They will meet in Irbil
under the protection of Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani's forces as well as
the U.S. and British warplanes that enforce the northern no-fly zone.
Officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon and other
agencies who will attend the conference met here on Friday with Ahmed
Chalabi, the guiding spirit of the Iraqi National Congress.

"This conference will be held on Iraqi soil and will be attended by many of
our brothers who will come from the areas occupied by Saddam's forces. His
authority is collapsing internally," Chalabi said after the White House

A successful, highly visible INC meeting in Irbil would raise Iraqi
expectations to the boiling point and probably spur Bush and Vice President
Cheney to lock in the "shock therapy" strategy for the Middle East and
Persian Gulf that they have been considering for months. Change in Iraq is
the leading edge of a new U.S. commitment to Middle East peacemaking and
pressure for democratic change in other authoritarian regimes, as Bush and
Cheney have made clear to recent visitors to the White House.

Failure to disarm Saddam Hussein and change the nature of the Iraqi regime
now would doom all of these ambitions, and more. There is no guarantee of
success through shock therapy. But the enormous costs for Iraq's helpless
civilians and for global stability of any effort to swerve the bus off the
highway at this point are clear. Those costs help explain the Bush team's
determination to stay focused on Iraq while keeping North Korea's latest
depredations on a diplomatic and political track.

Inconsistent? Only if you believe that the only answer in both cases is U.S.
invasion or decades of U.S. tolerance of dangerous dictators. To govern is
to choose, and to distinguish paradox from contradiction. The argument that
it is hypocritical to prepare for war with Iraq while trying to avoid one
with North Korea is a debater's straw man.

Twelve years ago this month, the United States went to war against Iraq on
Iraqi territory and incurred enormous moral obligations to the people of
that nation. But in contrast to its postwar actions in Germany, Japan,
Korea, Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere, the American government ran away as
fast as it could from those obligations. They remain, and they are
sufficiently important to have the United States now fulfill them.

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