The New York Times
January 27, 2003
Clear Ties of Terror

WASHINGTON - In the days following the Sept. 11 attacks, Secretary of State
Colin Powell could find "no clear link" between Osama bin Laden and Saddam

One soon appeared. On Sept. 24, 2001, I reported: "The clear link between
the terrorist in hiding [Osama] and the terrorist in power [Saddam] can be
found in Kurdistan, that northern portion of Iraq protected by U.S. and
British aircraft. . . . Kurdish sources tell me (and anyone else who will
listen) that the Iraqi dictator has armed and financed a fifth column of Al
Qaeda mullahs and terrorists. . . ."

The C.I.A. would not listen. Through credulous media outlets, the agency -
embarrassed by its pre-Sept. 11 inadequacies - sought to discredit all
intelligence about this force of 600 terrorists. Called Ansar al Islam, and
led by Osama's Arabs trained in Afghanistan, they were sent in with Saddam's
support to establish an enclave in the no-flight zone. One assignment was to
assassinate the free Kurds who made up the only anti-Saddam leadership
inside Iraq.

Well armed and financed by both Iraq and Iran, this affiliate of Al Qaeda
has since provided a haven for bin Laden followers exfiltrating from
Afghanistan. They tried to assassinate an articulate Kurdish leader, Barham
Salih, killing several bodyguards, but their target escaped and several
killers were captured. Our National Security Council members did not learn
about this bloody engagement, one of them told me a week afterward, until
they read about it in The Times.

The Kurds induced the captives and some defectors to reveal that the Ansar
cell of Al Qaeda had begun producing poisonous chemicals for export. One
product was reported here to be a cyanide cream being smuggled through
Turkey. The operation was set up by a man with a limp, the informants said,
a key bin Laden lieutenant, Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi. ( I misspelled that name
a few weeks ago.)

The C.I.A. continued to pooh-pooh any connection between Ansar and Saddam.
But reporter Jeff Goldberg of The New Yorker and more recently C. J. Chivers
of The Times went into Iraq and interviewed some of the captured terrorists.
Such reporting eroded the "no clear link" line put out by opponents of
action against Saddam.

Late last summer, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declared publicly "There
are Al Qaeda in a number of locations in Iraq," which was met with a
derisive "no one's got proof" headline. The C.I.A. resisted a proposal to
send a covert force into Iraqi Kurdistan to destroy the secret chemical
weapons lab.

On Oct. 8 of last year President Bush made public a little more of what we
learned. "Some Al Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan went to Iraq," he told
a Cincinnati audience. "These include one very senior Al Qaeda leader who
received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been associated
with planning for chemical and biological attacks."

That was Zarqawi. Long sought in Jordan for terrorist attacks (most recently
the assassination of the U.S. diplomat Laurence Foley in Amman), he joined
bin Laden in Afghanistan. After the Taliban defeat, Zarqawi slipped out of
that country through Iran and made his way to a Baghdad hospital, where his
injured leg was treated or amputated, certainly with the knowledge of
Saddam's mukhabarat secret police. He was then dispatched to Al Qaeda's
Ansar cell in Iraqi Kurdistan, reported the captives who worked with him in
the mountains, to create the terrorist poison laboratory.

British intelligence believes the limping terrorist took one of his
products, ricin, to Algerian contacts in Turkey. This is a poison that can
be delivered in warheads and one well known to Iraqi chemists, who cannot
speak to U.N. inspectors. Two weeks ago, a British detective, Stephen Oake,
was killed arresting Algerians suspected of making ricin in North London.

American "counterterrorism officials" are still in angry denial about the
pattern they refused to see that connects Qaeda terrorists in hiding with
Iraqi terrorists in power.

But even the Bush administration's most reluctant warrior has come to accept
the validity of the link that embattled Kurds have been trying to warn us of
since Sept. 11: Saddam and the followers of bin Laden are bedfellows.

Iraq, concluded Secretary of State Colin Powell this weekend in Switzerland,
has "clear ties to terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda."

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