The Washington Post
Cowboys Welcome in Kurdistan
By Mary Ann Smothers Bruni
Wednesday, January 29, 2003

SULAYMANIYAH, Iraq -- As American troops move into the Persian Gulf and
George W. Bush wags an angry finger at Saddam Hussein, a nervous euphoria is
descending on Iraqi Kurdistan, the enclave in northern Iraq protected by the
"no-fly" zone and governed by Iraq's rebel Kurdistan Regional Government.
The feeling is very different from that in Europe, where the American
president is constantly being admonished for his "cowboy" tendencies.

"Occupy us -- please!" a Kurdish man on the street demands of an American
visitor. Indeed, the main fear of Iraqi Kurds I spoke to is that Washington
will not attack.

"Iraqi officials warn us that Bush is all talk, that America will not
invade," says Ismet Aguid, a former Iraqi foreign service officer. "But we
remain optimistic."

During their 12 years of freedom, the Kurdish, Turkmen and Assyrian
inhabitants of this land have rebuilt most of the 4,000 villages Saddam
Hussein's troops bombed and bulldozed into oblivion. They have also created
at least the semblance of democracy, complete with elections and a
representative parliament.

They have laced the country with highways and transformed Sulaymaniyah,
Irbil and Dohuk into modern cities with multiple newspapers, traffic jams
and omnipresent Internet cafes. The people are warm and well fed, thanks to
the Iraqi-U.N. oil-for-food program.

But with Turkish tanks hovering above Dohuk, an Islamic militant group
shelling Halabja and Saddam Hussein's troops patrolling their southern
border, Kurdistan residents realize all too well how fragile their beautiful
new world is. That's why they hope that the "top secret" American airstrip
near Sulaymaniyah will be put to use soon.

Not only Iraqi Kurds but also Iranians, Turks and even Baghdadis are
literally betting that American victory will be swift and total. Speculation
on Kurdistan's currency has caused it to spiral dangerously out of control.
The local currency -- the 1991 Iraqi "Swiss-print" dinar -- trades at 7.6 to
the dollar today, up from 15 just last June. The currency is disappearing
from circulation, bringing the market and much-needed U.N. reconstruction
projects to a standstill. The dinar travels to traders on the Iranian,
Turkish and Iraqi government borders. The 12-year-old tattered and taped
currency notes that stay home all too often disintegrate or end up sewn into

A young friend explains: "We buy the 'Swiss print' for the future -- like
Europeans buy 2006 World Cup tickets. When America frees Iraq of Saddam,
each original Iraqi dinar will be worth $3 again."

And what does he think backs these dinars?

"The oil fields of Kirkuk," he answers.

But, of course, speculators will be out of luck if President Bush doesn't
deliver soon. Mam Rostam, who led victorious troops into Kirkuk during the
1991 Kurdish uprising against Saddam Hussein, says Bush can do just that.
"We talk to Iraqi troops on the front daily," he said. "They sell us guns.
They won't fight for Saddam." Rostam fears only two things: chemical weapons
and the possibility that "America will use us and leave us."

The Kurds, world-class survivors, are planning for such worst-case scenarios
and working to stock emergency camps inside their borders. But they lack
protective materials, medical supplies and the trained doctors who would be
needed in case of chemical attack. Abudel Razaq Faeli, minister of relations
and cooperation in Sulaymaniyah, fears that the U.N. High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) and others will use the $37 million granted for emergency
relief to set up camps outside Iraq. "How can someone hit with chemical
weapons move all the way to Iran?" he asks. "The UNHCR will be receiving
refugees in coffins."

Still, a strong vein of opinion about war -- and its timing -- is
represented by 83-year-old Jalal Sideek Bawari, who lives in a mountain
village near the Turkish border. "Now is better," he says.

The oil-for-food program has given Bawari's village a road and a new school.
Before they had the road, villagers were completely self-sufficient. They
planted or tended everything they ate. They carved their forks and spoons
out of wood. But they were invincible.

He applauds the comfort and varied new products that "the market economy"
brings. But he worries about what will happen if the Kurds' Western-backed
experiment fails. "We will die," he worries. "Kurds have forgotten how to
live on our own."

Mary Ann Smothers Bruni, author of "Journey Through Kurdistan," is in Iraq
writing a book on the development of Iraqi Kurdistan since 1991.

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