<< What is not widely known-but was briefly alluded to in Sec. Powell's U.N.
address-is that starting in the mid-1990s, Iraq's embassy in Islamabad
routinely played host to Saddam's biochemical scientists, some of whom
interacted with al Qaeda operatives, including Zarqawi and his lab
technicians, under the diplomatic cover of the Taliban embassy nearby to
teach them the art of mixing poisons from home grown and readily available
raw materials. >>

National Review Online
February 18, 2003, 9:00 a.m.
Hand in Glove
Iraq and al Qaeda.
By Mansoor Ijaz

Osama bin Laden sealed Saddam Hussein's fate last Tuesday when, in a
Messianic rendering of his latest fatwa against Americans, he admitted a
"convergence of interests" with Iraq and renewed his threat to bring down
traitorous Arab governments across the region. His call to set aside
differences with Saddam's "socialist" movement strengthened perceptions that
he views Baghdad's strongman as little more than a potentate of one al
Qaeda's global villages, otherwise known as the Muslim Ummah.

In a sense, it was his version of George W. Bush's "you're either with us,
or with the terrorists" call to arms. But the vagaries of bin Laden's
Islamist language still did not offer forensic evidence to skeptics of the
Iraq-al Qaeda nexus, a key determinant in the Bush administration's debate
with the United Nations about when and how to best disarm the Iraqi regime.

That will require asymmetrical thinking, not legalistic reliance on forensic
data. The threat posed by Iraq's collaboration with al Qaeda is born of
conveniences in which the contained and monitored Iraqi leader is only too
happy to spread his viral and chemical recipes through the Saudi fugitive's
established, ideologically driven network of willing homicidal maniacs
stationed around the world-a network bin Laden is desperate to maintain and

The systematic dismantling of al Qaeda's European terror cells over the past
two months was a driving force in the timing and temperament of bin Laden's
Tuesday fatwa. By tying himself to Iraq, even nebulously, he hoped to
provoke U.S. action before diplomacy could heal the widening trans-Atlantic
rift with NATO members and before his retaliation infrastructure could be
further dismantled, rendering it all but impotent to respond to a U.S.-led
invasion of Iraq.

The forensic evidence of Iraq's deceit on continuing development of chemical
and biological weapons is now pretty clearly documented and the verdict is
in - guilty as charged. The only reason U.S. intelligence officials don't
give United Nations weapons inspectors the exact location of the mountain
bunkers where Saddam has hidden the largest part of his biochemical arsenal
is because it would get every one of them killed the minute one UNSCOM jeep
or helicopter headed in that direction.

The nature of evidence about Iraq's relationship with al Qaeda, while more
subjective, is no less compelling. But it will require the Bush
administration to do a much better job of educating the American public
about why ideologically driven terrorism, such as al Qaeda's, does not lend
itself to the same forensic examination of Saddam's terrorism-for-ransom
mendacity. The American people have to learn that bin Laden's brand of
terror shows few fingerprints until the bombs explode in our face.
The real danger Americans face today is not from Iraq's existing
biochemical-weapons cache, but from Saddam's transfer of recipe books and
formulas to al Qaeda, and access to the scientists who teach from them, for
developing weapons of mass murder on site at its terrorist hideouts around
the world. And not just now, but for decades to come.

Close analysis of the available evidence lets us see how this nexus works.
For the past seven years, I have witnessed Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda
operations in various countries firsthand, visiting with his followers in
safe houses in Sudan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia, and Malaysia - some as
recently as September last year. I have spent tens of hours trying to fathom
and decode their hatred for westerners and even brought the terror groups
less radicalized adherents into the peace framework that led to a ceasefire
of hostilities between Muslim separatists and Indian security forces in
Kashmir in 2000.

But the al Qaeda that struck America on September 11 is no longer an
organization with a flowchart of country-specific responsibilities and 37
card-carrying vice presidents planning and coordinating actions in each
locale. The Afghan bombing campaign saw to that.

No, al Qaeda today is a viral infection with a few powerful germinators -
Egyptian-born mastermind Dr. Ayman Zawahiri, Pakistani-born Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, and Jordanian-born Abu Musab Zarqawi, to name the top three - who
have been exceedingly successful in infecting a wide berth of radical
Islamist groups from Indonesia to France. These groups, like the cancerous
Algerian terror cells broken up throughout Europe during the past month, are
well established in their local environments and are willing to host al
Qaeda's overseers while continuing to execute their own politically
motivated agendas locally.

One such group, identified in Secretary of State Colin Powell's compelling
presentation to the U.N. Security Council on Feb. 5, characterizes the new
al Qaeda overlay model with alarming clarity. Ansar al-Islam, a northern
Iraqi terrorist operation run by Kurdish Muslim extremists - many of whom
trained at Osama bin Laden's terror camps in Afghanistan - is battling
secular Kurds opposed to Saddam's rule in northern Iraq.

According to confessions obtained from al Qaeda subordinates arrested in the
region in recent months, Ansar operates with the military and financial
resources of Saddam's intelligence directorate, the Mukhabarat. The terror
group, resident geographically in an ungovernable region along the Iran-Iraq
border, is now capable of becoming an al Qaeda pop-up biochemical-weapons
lab for the production and distribution of poisons whose recipes and
formulas are provided by its state sponsors.

It is widely known that Zarqawi, al Qaeda's chief biochemical engineer, was
at the safe house in Afghanistan where traces of Ricin and other poisons
were originally found. What is not widely known-but was briefly alluded to
in Sec. Powell's U.N. address-is that starting in the mid-1990s, Iraq's
embassy in Islamabad routinely played host to Saddam's biochemical
scientists, some of whom interacted with al Qaeda operatives, including
Zarqawi and his lab technicians, under the diplomatic cover of the Taliban
embassy nearby to teach them the art of mixing poisons from home grown and
readily available raw materials.

CIA Director George Tenet confirmed the outcome of this arrangement last
week in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee when he said
that ".Iraq has provided training in poisons and gases to al Qaeda. the
results of which were successful."

In October 2001, a senior Taliban official who viewed al Qaeda and bin Laden
as a cancer on their fundamentalist movement offered to provide a delegation
I was to lead to meet them with ".significant insights into Iraq's terrorist
collaborations in the region." In exchange, these Taliban doves wanted us to
convey to Washington that they needed reprieve from the looming campaign to
crush them with American smart bombs in order to market the sellout to
Taliban hardliners.

My friend, James Woolsey, former director of Central Intelligence, and
others had agreed to accompany me to Kabul as observers if the Taliban's
invitation included prior assurances that the eight Christian aid workers
held on charges of proselytizing would be released into our custody as a
sign of their goodwill. Gathering data on Iraq's collaborations figured high
on the list of priorities for discussion with senior Taliban leaders - a
point I made amply clear in my initial correspondence to the Taliban
ambassador in Islamabad.

Their invitation, which took days of wrangling to agree on the two or three
key words which gave the meeting any relevance, arrived in my Copenhagen
hotel room only three hours before the first bombs fell on Kabul on October
7, 2001.

Iraq continues to deny any involvement in training al Qaeda operatives, and
Pakistani intelligence very effectively, and quickly, suppressed evidence of
these clandestine meetings after September 11. But erasing the fingerprints
cannot change the irrefutable fact that Ricin and other chemicals first
found in al Qaeda's Afghan safe houses after years of covert collaborations
with Iraq inside Pakistan and Afghanistan are now being repeatedly uncovered
in al Qaeda affiliated terror cells throughout Europe.

Interestingly, the discoveries of Ricin in Europe come after Zarqawi visited
at least one of the cells in early November last year. And not just any
cell. He was allegedly transported by well-paid Albanian mercenaries through
southern Turkey via the Balkans into France - that's right, France - where
he spent the month of Ramadan teaching Algerian radicals how to make the
toxic poison for which there is no known antidote. French police
interrogations have revealed that the same Algerians arrested in Paris
traveled to Barcelona, where later another al Qaeda cell was rooted out.

Traces of Ricin apparently found in the Paris apartment of the Algerian cell
demonstrate with great clarity how Zarqawi's presence in Europe enabled the
export and distribution of formulas and ingredients through al-Qaeda's
nebulous global network to endpoints for deployment while giving Saddam
plausible deniability of any involvement.

There is other evidence of Ansar's al Qaeda overlay. While recuperating at
base camp in the late summer, Zarqawi gave an order (in line with al Qaeda's
new directive for political assassinations) to have Laurence Foley, an
American diplomat working for USAID in Amman, assassinated. His direct
involvement was confirmed by the two murder suspects arrested in Amman
during their confessional statements.

Then, on Feb. 9, a prominent secular Kurdish leader, Gen. Shawkat Haji
Mushir, and five others were murdered in the northern Kurdish region of Iraq
in apparent retaliation for the Powell expose of Ansar and Zarqawi. The
modus operandi of the murder was eerily similar to the September 2001 bin
Laden-sponsored assassination of Afghan resistance leader, Ahmed Shah
Masood, where al Qaeda operatives posing as journalists exploded the TV
camcorder in Masood's face.

How much more data is needed to demonstrate al Qaeda's growing hand-in-glove
relationship with terrorism's modern-day godfather. The sooner we dispel
ourselves of the notion that forensic evidence is the only way to define
terror links between states that sponsor terrorism and well-financed,
ideologically driven terrorist networks, the sooner we will be able to
effectively defend ourselves against their tireless efforts to destroy us.

- Mansoor Ijaz, chairman of Crescent Investment Management in New York,
negotiated Sudan's counterterrorism offer for data on al Qaeda and other
terrorist organizations to the Clinton administration in 1997 and proposed
the framework for the July 2000 ceasefire in Kashmir between Muslim
separatists and India's security forces.

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