Iraq Opposition Leadership
INC Operations Center
Sulaimania, Northern Iraq
Situation Report - April 4, 2003

Our sources inform us that on March 29th, 2003 a squad of suicide bombers from Fidayeen Saddam arrived in Damascus.  Members of the group carry passports from various Gulf states.  Their mission is to attack US and British interests worldwide, such as embassies and major corporations.  In total, the squad consists of 21 people, 11 Iraqis and 10 Egyptians.

The Iraqis are:

Hilal Muhammad
Muhammad Jaafar
Durayd Muhammad Fadil
Muhammad Kazim Salih
Husayn Hadi
Adil Taha
Munaf Hamid
Bashir Dawud
Tariq Karim
Tarik Marhun

The Egyptians are:

Fathi Said
Muhammad al-Daminhuri
Yusuf Ismail
Hassan al-Said
Abdul Hafiz Anwar
Khalid Saif al-Din
Jamal al-Tawil
Ashraf Midhat
Ayman Anwar
Zakaria Hami

As well, sources out of Baghdad inform us that four Republican Guard officers were executed after failing to implement orders given to attack Shu’la Street in the capital city.  The aim of hitting this area was to have the media falsely identify the attacks as the work of Coalition forces.  In the end, other officers of the Republican Guards carried out the orders.

Officers executed:

Colonel Abd Muhallamd al-Ubadi
Colonel Saad Yas alGhariri
Raid Sadiq
Muthana Hamad Kazim.

For  further information please call the INC Information Centre on +44 20 7300 6499 or 202-530-4814

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