Wall Street Journal
June 27, 2003
The Politics of Mass Destruction

Even as evidence is uncovered that Saddam Hussein was planning to revive his
nuclear-weapons program at the earliest possible date, politicians and
pundits alike lament the failure of coalition forces to find a "smoking
gun." Despite the recent discovery of plans and parts for a
uranium-enrichment centrifuge, some presidential candidates have accused the
Bush administration of lying about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to
justify the war with Iraq.

Such assertions ignore all that has been learned and has transpired during
the last 12-plus years. As I've said time and again, expecting any
inspection regime to find a massive cache of WMDs is a lesson in
self-delusion. Such folly can only bring cheer to those who opposed the war
in the first place and to those who simply oppose the Bush administration.

Recall that during the first Gulf War, Iraq stored its biological
agent-filled munitions in pits dug in the sand or in abandoned railroad
tunnels. Such sites are not easily found. Good intelligence emanating from
those Iraqi personnel responsible for the deployment, protection and control
of such storage sites will be required. Indeed, it was an Iraqi scientist
who this week led coalition forces to the site where the uranium-enrichment
equipment was buried. But many WMD personnel were part of the Special
Security Organization under Saddam's younger son, Qusay. The information is
not likely to be obtained easily.

Some pundits question, if Iraq had WMDs, why did they not use them? Iraq
learned from the first Gulf War that coalition forces headed by the U.S.
could advance very rapidly. Iraq also indicated in testimony to the U.N.
Special Commission, or Unscom, that biological weapons would have little
effect in stopping an advancing military force. Rather, their interest was
to use biological weapons to intimidate their neighbors and cause them to
"see things Iraq's way." Thus its failure to use biological WMDs should not
be a surprise to anyone. The failure to use chemical WMDs is also not
surprising considering the apparent confusion within the Iraqi command
structure during the race to Baghdad.

Then, why have such weapons not been found? The answer may lie in the
training and experience of the inspectors. The initial team looking for WMDs
in Iraq was more reminiscent of site exploiters than inspectors. True, if
they found a bomb or missile warhead, they were capable of further
exploitation of the find to determine its contents. But they apparently did
not have testing instruments capable of detecting trace-amounts of
biological-weapons agents.

The next iteration of the coalition inspectors was supposed to have a number
of inspectors that had extensive experience in Iraq and has been so
misrepresented in the media. I was asked in February to propose a list of
Unscom experienced biological inspectors (a so-called A team) that had
multiple inspection trips to Iraq. These were to be from the U.S., the U.K.
and Australia. In March, after the concept was approved, I was asked to
contact those on my list to assure they were willing and able to devote the
time. All but one agreed to the deployment. None of the individuals on that
list ever made it to Iraq.

A few weeks ago David Albright, writing in the Washington Post, stated that
he had been contacted by several Iraqi nuclear scientists who asserted that
they were afraid to talk to the coalition inspectors because of the way they
were being treated by the inspectors -- interrogation, threats, etc., rather
than with any degree of respect. The interviewing of Iraqi scientists is
where extensive experience would have been most valuable. One doesn't need
to like what was done or the individual scientist to treat them with
respect. Experienced inspectors knew this. Furthermore, experienced
inspectors knew what, when, and how to pursue a subject that is unlikely to
occur to a neophyte.

There is nothing that the U.S. could threaten the Iraqi scientists with that
could approach what they've endured these past 30 to 40 years. A scientist I
remain in contact with had been imprisoned by Iraq for 17 months in the
1990s. In early March this year, with tensions building, he was again
arrested for fear he would disclose information Iraq did not want disclosed.

It is encouraging that the third and current iteration under the CIA is
headed by David Kay, which may account for the recent breakthrough in
uncovering the uranium-enrichment plans. In regard to other WMDS, Iraq
imported or retained over the last several years key pieces of equipment
that could not readily be carried off by looters. If located, extensive
intrusive sampling with the right test system might tell wonders about
Iraq's biological-weapons programs.

Let there be no doubt, Iraq retained an active biological-weapons program.
Unscom had adequate evidence of such. In 1998, presented with the evidence,
the leading biological-weapons experts from the U.S., U.K., Russia, France,
Sweden, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Ukraine, Romania and
Canada all agreed with the Unscom findings and observations. Incredibly,
U.S. and British politicians with little or no knowledge of biological
weapons and biological warfare are choosing to believe otherwise.

Mr. Spertzel was head of the biological-weapons section of Unscom from

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