For Immediate Release


Contact: Beth Tarson

 212-207-7108 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jennifer Suitor

212/207-7066 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]




How the CIA and the State Department

Tried to Stop the War on Terror

By Laurie Mylroie


"In face of the glibly-repeated slogan that America is 'in search of enemies,'

Laurie Mylroie shows that many in our intelligence establishment are

fatally unable to recognize an enemy even when they meet one.

A caustic and spirited statement of the original case for regime change."

--Christopher Hitchens


"This revealing and important book underscores the gravity of the threat that faced the country on 9/11 and the truly heroic nature of President Bush's decision to confront it, as well as the unbelievable (for many Americans) obstructionism of the bureaucracies.

The phony furor over Iraq's weapons is merely the latest phase in

the Washington bureaucratic war.

Mylroie wants answers to hard questions--and so will you."

--Richard Perle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy


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