Chicago Sun-Times
Iraq's new honchos have our spies to thank
April 10, 2005

There was a new report calling for reform of U.S. intelligence last week. It
contradicts the last report calling for reform of U.S. intelligence. The
last one wanted to centralize intelligence, which has since been done. The
new one wants to decentralize intelligence. Good luck getting anyone's
attention with intelligence-reform reform three weeks after the last
go-round. If Sandy Berger stuffed every post-9/11 report down his pants,
waddled off, cut them up in his kitchen and returned them randomly pasted
together, I doubt it would make any difference.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the glass in Iraq is three-quarters full,
which is why stories on the subject are buried so deep in the paper they
might as well be in Sandy's gusset. Saddam's old prison state is now the
first Arab country with a non-Arab head of state: a Kurd, Jalal Talabani.
When you're trying to make sense of the bewildering array of Iraqi
politicians who prospered in the January elections, a good rule of thumb is:
Chances are they're guys who've been stiffed by the CIA.

President-to-be Talabani fell out with them a decade ago, when they pulled
the plug on a U.S.-backed insurrection at 48 hours' notice and failed to pay
the late cancellation fee. Talabani was part of the Kurdish delegation that
had a ''secret'' meeting with CIA honchos in April 2002, in which the
drollest exchange came when the Kurds expressed skepticism as to whether the
officials present really represented the U.S. government.

And who can blame them for wondering? The CIA, as I wrote a couple of years
back, now functions in the same relation to President Bush as Pakistan's ISI
does to General Musharraf. In both cases, before the chief executive makes a
routine request of his intelligence agency, he has to figure out whether
they're going to use it as an opportunity to set him up, and if so how. For
Musharraf, the problem is the significant faction in the ISI that would like
to kill him. Fortunately for Bush, if anyone at the CIA launched a plot to
kill him, they'd probably take out G. W. Bish, who runs a feed store in

Consider, for example, the case of Ahmed Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National
Congress. In the early '90s, the CIA set up the INC with Chalabi at the
helm. Then they fell out with him and decided they preferred a rival group,
the Iraqi National Accord, set up by Britain's MI6 and headed by an
ex-Saddamite general whose plan to ''liberate'' Iraq involved getting rid of
the big guy but then keeping the Baathist state pretty much intact. Well,
fair enough. We're all entitled to change our minds, and it's just about
conceivable the CIA ''analysts'' genuinely thought the Saddamite-coup
approach had the better chance of success. But what's harder to excuse is
the energy they devoted -- for the best part of the subsequent decade -- to
trashing their own creation. Hardly a week went by without assiduous feeding
of anti-INC stories to the press. Here's Page 3 of the Washington Post on
April 21,1999:

''Congress' Candidate To Overthrow Saddam Hussein: Ahmed Chalabi Has
Virtually No Other Backing.''

That's quite the subhead. No quote marks; no ''Chalabi Is Said To Have
'Virtually No Other Backing.' " And that's six years ago: Everyone else in
Washington was still in impeachment mode, but the CIA would have fingered
Chalabi for Monica's dress if they could have got away with it.

Then Sept. 11 happened. In the week afterward, a handful of us called for
resignations from the various federal agencies that flopped out big-time
that day: FAA, INS, FBI . . . and CIA. Sept. 11 wasn't a ''tragedy''; it
was, as Lord Carrington said of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands, a
national ''humiliation.'' He said that when he resigned as Foreign and
Commonwealth Secretary, incidentally. ''There has been a British
humiliation. I ought to take responsibility for it,'' he explained. ''I was
wrong in the assessment of what they were doing.''

But, if it's too much to expect America's governing class to take
responsibility for their own wrong assessments, you'd think they might have
been sufficiently chastened by the events of Sept. 11 to moderate at least
their worst instincts. Instead, the CIA simply carried on business as
usual -- of which their ever more deranged Chalabi-bashing is merely the
most obvious example. As we now know, it is not true to say ''Ahmed Chalabi
Has Virtually No Backing.'' He came out pretty near the top in the January
elections and he's a big player in Iraqi politics. But the CIA version --
that he's some snake-oil salesman who pulled the wool over the Bush
administration's eyes even though he has no support inside his own
country -- is now unshakeable. Only the other day, Maureen Dowd, the New
York Times' elderly schoolgirl, fell back for the umpteenth time on one of
her lamest tropes:

''Ahmad Chalabi conned his neocon pals, thinking he could run Iraq if he
gave the Bush administration the smoking gun it needed to sell the war.''

I don't know whether the CIA ever thinks through the implications of its own
spin, but which reflects more poorly on them? The claim, which is now
demonstrably absurd, that he has no support inside Iraq? Or the notion that
some no-account schlub, a British subject living in exile whom the Company
plucked from obscurity and created a phony resistance movement for him to
head, somehow managed to hoodwink the government of the world's superpower
over eight years of objections from its own intelligence agency?

Even before the latest budget-bloating ''reforms,'' the U.S. government was
spending $30 billion annually on intelligence, and in return its
intelligence agencies got everything wrong. British and French intelligence
also get a lot of things wrong, but they get them wrong on far smaller
budgets. One of the great sub-plots of the post-9/11 world is the
uselessness of ''experts,'' the guys who get unlimited budgets to run 24/7
agencies devoted to their areas of expertise. What's startling about the
glimpses we get of CIA operations -- that red-hot presidential briefing from
August 2001, Joseph C. Wilson IV's non-fact-finding mission to Niger -- is
how generalized it all is: Anybody who watches cable news or reads an
occasional foreign paper would know as much.

How about if that $30 billion was allocated to, say, a program for
subsidized bicycling helmets for grade-schoolers or some other federal
boondoggle, and they bulldozed Langley, and gave the CIA director 20,000
bucks to put all his agency's global ''analysis'' up on a blog -- -- and invite comments from readers around the world? It couldn't
possibly be less informed than the CIA's decades-long record of incompetence
in the Middle East. U.S. intelligence needs a fresh start, and short of
buying ol' Sandypants a larger pair of trousers and getting him to smuggle
out every single classified document, it's not clear how it's ever going to
get it.

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