Amidst doubts, CIA hangs on to control of Iraqi intelligence service
By Hannah Allam and Warren P. Strobel, Knight Ridder Newspapers
Sun May 8, 2005, 4:22 PM ET

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The CIA has so far refused to hand over control of Iraq's
intelligence service to the newly elected Iraqi government in a turf war
that exposes serious doubts the Bush administration has over the ability of
Iraqi leaders to fight the insurgency and worries about the new government's
close ties to Iran.

The director of Iraq's secret police, a general who took part in a failed
coup attempt against Saddam Hussein, was handpicked and funded by the U.S.
government, and he still reports directly to the CIA, Iraqi politicians and
intelligence officials in Baghdad said last week. Immediately after the
elections in January, several Iraqi officials said, U.S. forces stashed the
sensitive national intelligence archives of the past year inside American
headquarters in Baghdad in order to keep them off-limits to the new

Iraqi leaders complain that the arrangement violates their sovereignty,
freezes them out of the war on insurgents and could lead to the formation of
a rival, Iraqi-led spy agency. American officials counter that the new
leaders' connections to Iran have forced them to take measures that protect
Iraq's secrets from the neighboring Tehran regime.

The dispute also highlights the failure of the Bush administration to
establish a Western-leaning, secular government in Baghdad following the
2003 invasion.

The Iraqi intelligence service "is not working for the Iraqi government -
it's working for the CIA," said Hadi al Ameri, an Iraqi lawmaker and
commander of the Badr Brigade, formerly the armed wing of the Supreme
Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. SCIRI is the driving force
behind the powerful Shiite coalition that swept the parliamentary elections.

"I prefer to call it the American Intelligence of Iraq, not the Iraqi
Intelligence Service," al Ameri continued during an interview last week at
his heavily guarded home in Baghdad. "If they insist on keeping it to
themselves, we'll have to form another one."

Many of the Shiite Muslims now in power seem beholden to Iran for the
neighboring regime's gifts of refuge and funding for their opposition
parties during Saddam's reign. Handing the files to an Iran-friendly Baghdad
administration would be tantamount to passing the intelligence to Tehran,
said three U.S. officials in Washington, who all spoke on condition of
anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss sensitive intelligence

The CIA declined to comment on the record about the Iraqi intelligence
agency or its files.

While the CIA hasn't ruled out handing over the agency, an administration
official involved in Iraq policy confirmed that the U.S. government has
strong concerns about releasing the classified archives to the new
government. The main worry is that Iran could score an intelligence coup by
learning what the United States knows about Tehran's covert operations in
Iraq. The official said the United States has evidence of aggressive Iranian
attempts to penetrate Iraqi intelligence via the two strongest Shiite
parties: SCIRI and Dawa, the party led by Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim

Senior members of those parties, however, suspect the real reason behind
U.S. reluctance to hand over the archives is that Americans don't want them
to know the extent of U.S.-led spying on the Shiite politicians Iraqis
risked their lives to vote into office.

Laith Kubba, Jaafari's adviser and spokesman, said the prime minister wants
to take on a bigger role in anti-terrorism efforts, but he's impaired by the
lack of a reliable, skilled Iraqi police force and military. Kubba said it
would take time for al-Jaafari to decide what he wants to do with the
national intelligence service, but it's evident he doesn't want it to remain
in American hands.

"The prime minister is very clear in his philosophy on governmental
sovereignty and the will of the Iraqi people," Kubba said. "He knows all
these institutions must be brought under Iraqi law and the Iraqi parliament
... But he's a realist and he is also aware that Iraq today faces a huge
challenge with these attacks ... In the interim period, he has to make do
with whatever he has at his disposal."

Right after Saddam's ouster, the U.S.-led coalition took the top
intelligence agents from each of the main opposition parties and trained
them in how to turn raw intelligence into targets that could be used in
operations, said an Iraqi intelligence expert who participated in the
program. He consented to an hour-long interview about the inner workings of
Iraqi intelligence on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation from
Iraqi and U.S. forces for discussing classified information.

The Iraqi official said the CIA recruited agents from SCIRI, Dawa, the two
main Kurdish factions, and two secular Arab parties: the Iraqi National
Congress led by Ahmad Chalabi and the Iraqi National Accord led by Ayad
Allawi, who later became the interim prime minister. This group, the
prototype for an Iraqi intelligence group that represented Iraq's diversity,
became CMAD: the Collection, Management and Analysis Directorate.

When the U.S.-led occupation authority ceded power to the semi-sovereign
interim government last June, the official said, CMAD was split, with
roughly half the agents going to the new interior ministry and the rest to
work on military intelligence in the defense ministry. Both ministries'
intelligence departments are led by Kurds, the most consistently
U.S.-friendly group in Iraq, and report to the Iraqi prime minister.

But an elite corps of CMAD operatives was recruited into the third and most
important Iraqi intelligence agency, the secret police force known by its
Arabic name: the Mukhabarat. Its Iraqi director is Mohammed Abdullah
Shahwani, a Sunni general whose three sons were executed by Saddam in
retaliation for his involvement in a botched, CIA-backed coup attempt in the
mid-1990s. Shahwani's top deputy in charge of daily operations is said to be
a Kurd; Shiites are believed to comprise just 12 percent of the force.

Unlike the defense and interior ministries, there is no provision in the
Iraqi government's budget for the secret police. The Mukhabarat's money
comes straight from the CIA.

Several Shiite politicians in the new government want Shahwani out, saying
the Mukhabarat's ranks are filled with Saddam's former officers seeking
revenge against the Shiite militias they fought in the 1980s. The Iraqi
intelligence official said agents have complained the ex-Baathists use the
word "resistance" instead of "terrorists" when describing Sunni insurgents
in internal memos, raising serious doubts about the agents' loyalties.

U.S. intelligence officers in Baghdad refused to comment on Iraq's secret
police. Through his aides, Shahwani declined several written and phone
requests for comment. The aides privately said Shahwani is firmly in place
and that al-Jaafari doesn't have the power to remove him.

Even if the nascent Shiite government takes over national intelligence and
removes Shahwani, there remains the problem of the missing archives. Without
a history of joint U.S.-Iraqi intelligence efforts of the past year, the
Iraqi intelligence expert said, al-Jaafari's government would be "starting
from zero."

"It's not about the guy. It's about the set-up," the Iraqi official said.
"It's about a whole department. If (the CIA has) conditions, OK, let's
discuss conditions, what you're afraid of and we won't allow it to happen.
You help us, we'll help you."
Al Ameri, the Badr Brigade commander, said the Bush administration's Iran
"phobia" is unreasonable. Like it or not, he said, it's time for the Bush
administration to accept the fact that Iraq's first democratically elected
government comes with a longstanding friendship with the anti-American
mullahs next door.

"We are now in the streets. We are the reality, the real thing," al Ameri
said. "The Americans must realize this and get over their fears."

One of the Washington officials said Iraqi demands for complete sovereignty
over its own government is a powerful argument, particularly since
Washington has repeatedly promised such independence in the past. Turning
over the intelligence portfolio is a risky - but seemingly inevitable -

"There's not an awful lot of strong arguments we can make" to exempt
intelligence, the official said.

Allam reported from Baghdad, Strobel from Washington. Knight Ridder
correspondent John Walcott contributed to this report.

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