From: "U.S. Dept of State List Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 6:19 PM
Subject: U.S. Envoy Warns Syria To Change Pro-Terrorist Policies on Iraq
U.S. Envoy Warns Syria To Change Pro-Terrorist Policies on Iraq
(Khalilzad says time is running out for Damascus) (530)
By David Shelby
Washington File Staff Writer

  Washington – Syria is the “number one offender” in the Middle East region
working to impede the success of Iraq, according to U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
Zalmay Khalilzad.

  In a September 12 briefing, the ambassador said Syria is knowingly
allowing terrorists to use its territory for training exercises and
permitting them to transit across Syria into Iraq and kill Iraqis.

  “There is blatant interference by Syria in Iraqi affairs by allowing
these terrorists to come across… Our patience is running out. [The Iraqis’
patience] is running out. We have given them every opportunity to mend
their ways, to change. They have not done that,” he said.

  He added: “Let me tell our Syrian friends that they should not
miscalculate, that they need to decide. Iraq… will succeed. Iraq is a
neighboring state of Syria. Iraq is going to be a rich country. It’s
going to be a strong country, a powerful country. It behooves Syria to
have good relations with this country.”

  Khalilzad said Syrian interference in Iraq “will be dealt with” and “all
options are on the table” for addressing the problem if Damascus does not
change its approach toward Iraq. “Syria has to decide what price it’s
willing to pay in making Iraq’s success difficult, and time is running out
for Damascus to decide on this issue,” he said.

  The ambassador said he has been in discussions with Iraqi leaders about
the transfer of security responsibilities to Iraqis.

  “We have formed a joint committee since I have been there with the Iraqi
leaders and ourselves to define conditions for the increased transfer of
responsibility, and we will come to some agreement with them in the next
couple of months as to a vision of transfer of responsibility and a plan
for transfer of responsibility that will be condition driven, and we will
make that known to everyone,” he said.

  He said that the security plan would be based on specific goals and
timelines. He added that he believes a substantial withdrawal of U.S. and
coalition forces can take place within the next two years.

  Khalilzad also said he has been heartened to see average Iraqis taking
increased responsibility for their own security in recent weeks. In
particular, he pointed to the actions of Sunni tribesmen against the forces
of Jordanian-born al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as a positive sign.

  “It’s critical for the success of Iraq that Iraqis, whether Sunni, Shia
or Kurd, protect their country, defend their country, and the sign that I
see in these tribes, in Sunni tribes standing up to Zarqawi, a positive
development,” he said.

  The ambassador said he is encouraged by the increasing popular interest
in engaging in the political process, particularly within the Sunni
community, where he said voter registration has been as high as 90
percent. “I’m very, very happy with the trend in terms of Iraqis
registering to vote. That means that politics is coming to Iraq,” he said.

 For additional information, see Iraq’s Political Process

(The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International
Information Programs, U.S. Department of State.  Web site:

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