The New York Times

October 2, 2005

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Is Seeking Allies Who Can Help Him Return to Power

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Oct. 1 - In late September, 10 days after American and Iraqi troops swept into Tal Afar to clear it of insurgent fighters, six trucks drove into the city. The drivers distributed food, water and emergency medical supplies. They also told the grateful refugees whom to thank: the former prime minister, Ayad Allawi, and his party, the Iraqi National Accord.

Iraq's next election season has begun and Mr. Allawi, a former exile and American protégé, is barnstorming the region and seeking support for a broad new secular alliance that could sweep him back to power when votes are cast Dec. 15. His goal is to create a political center that would displace the sectarian agendas of the competing religious parties.

"We are getting all the liberal democratic forces together as a secular movement because we feel that these forces are the only ones who will be able to unite the country," Mr. Allawi said during a recent interview in his London offices.

It is a message certain to appeal to the Bush administration, which has seen its vision for a unified Iraq fracture along sectarian lines over the past few months, and which still has a powerful influence. The message may also appeal to middle-class Iraqis, many of whom lament the loss of the secularism of the era of Saddam Hussein and accuse the governing Shiite religious parties of deepening Iraq's divisions.

Mr. Allawi's nascent campaign is the latest chapter in an effort that spans decades. He returned to Iraq in 2003, along with other American-backed exiles. After his rival, Ahmad Chalabi, fell out of favor last year, Mr. Allawi was chosen as transitional prime minister by the Americans. Months later, Mr. Allawi watched as a Shiite political alliance - including Mr. Chalabi - swept Iraq's first free elections, leaving the Iraqi National Accord with only 40 of the National Assembly's 275 seats.

The coming election could be different. The Shiite alliance that won a majority of seats in January appears to be falling apart, torn by internal rivalries. The Shiite cleric whose blessing helped win votes for the alliance last time, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, has said he will not favor any particular group.

But the obstacles are daunting, and include Mr. Allawi's history as a C.I.A. favorite and the difficulties of secular campaigns in Iraq. Mr. Allawi had planned a "national unity" conference in Baghdad to unite moderate parties, with simultaneous satellite meetings in two other Iraqi cities. But all three events were postponed because of security concerns.

Some of Mr. Allawi's rivals, meanwhile, reach thousands every week at Friday Prayer, in a grass-roots network that secular candidates cannot match. Religious zealots like the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr have a vast following among the young and poor and a corresponding influence among more moderate figures. Some Shiite politicians have begun portraying Mr. Allawi as an American puppet with no popular base in Iraq.

"Can Allawi grab the imagination of moderate Iraqis?" asked Ghassan al-Atiyya, a secular Shiite and the director of the Iraqi Foundation for Development and Democracy, a Baghdad research institute. "I am a secular liberal, but I fear that the high moral ground for many people will be that of anti-American figures such as Sadr and the Sunni parties."

In the January elections, Mr. Allawi's party ran on its own. In some ways they were not a fair test, marred by violence, a short campaign season and widespread boycotts by Sunni Arabs. Still, the relatively poor showing also revived another accusation frequently leveled at Mr. Allawi: that he is by temperament an autocratic loner, unable to broker effective alliances.

So far, he has only united his own party with a handful of other secular parties and political figures who ran separately last time. The secular parties hope to draw in the largely secular Kurds, who make up a fifth of Iraq's population, and to present themselves as a mainstream alternative to voters within the fragmented Shiite and Sunni camps.

"If all the secular elements cooperate, we may quite possibly have a majority in the National Assembly," said Adnan Pachachi, the elder statesman who served as Iraq's foreign minister in the 1960's and who has added his party to the alliance.

Several Kurdish leaders said the Kurds were likely to run their own alliance, as they did in January, and later join forces with Mr. Allawi's group if it won a large bloc of seats.

The secular coalition has a better chance of winning support from Sunni Arab voters, who largely boycotted the elections in January but who have since registered in large numbers and may become a potent electoral force. No clear leaders have emerged within the Sunni ranks, and several parties have expressed interest in joining Mr. Allawi's group.

In what could be a move to gain Sunni support, Mr. Allawi, a former Baathist, has been echoing Sunni criticisms of Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari's policies lately - including the effort to rid the government of former Baathists. Mr. Allawi and his allies have also been critical of the recent offensive in Tal Afar, repeating complaints by Sunnis about its effects on Sunni civilians.

But his efforts could be complicated by the Oct. 15 vote on the constitution. Many Sunni leaders oppose it and have urged Iraqis to vote against it. Mr. Allawi has been critical of it, but he has not come out as forcefully as Sunni leaders would like.

"If he is willing to take our side, we may support him, but he has to be clearer on a lot of issues," said Ayad al-Samarrai, a leader of the Iraq Islamic Party, the country's best-known Sunni party. Sunnis constitute 20 percent of Iraq's population.

Mr. Allawi is unlikely to come out against the charter. But other deals are possible. Thaier al-Naqib, one of Mr. Allawi's crucial allies, said the alliance would be willing to demand a timeline for American withdrawal from Iraq in exchange for the support of hard-line Sunni groups.

Already, Mr. Allawi's public broadsides against Iranian influence have won him support in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Those nations have been leery about the current Shiite government, whose leaders have strong links with Iran. The United States shares those misgivings.

Arab support, Mr. Naqib said, could mean more effective help in stopping terrorists from crossing into Iraq from those countries.

"The most important thing is intelligence," Mr. Naqib said. "The Al Qaeda network is where they can help more than anyone."

Mr. Allawi's outreach to Sunni voters could have a serious downside. Some moderate Shiites are already accusing Mr. Allawi, a secular Shiite, of being too close to certain groups.

"He's trying to draw in Baathist elements, and that will make it hard for him to draw in any Shiite parties," said Ali al-Dabagh, a moderate member of Mr. Jaafari's party.

Accusations of corruption could also be a problem. Iraqi officials have said they expect to issue arrest warrants for Hazem Shaalan and other top officials who served in Mr. Allawi's government in connection with the disappearance of more than $1 billion in government funds.

Ibrahim Janabi, an aide to Mr. Allawi, promptly dismissed those accusations as an Iranian-backed effort to smear Iraq's secular political figures - though it was Mr. Allawi who ordered the investigation that led to the warrants being issued.

Perhaps the greatest potential advantage for Mr. Allawi and his allies is the broad-based animosity to sectarianism among Iraqis, and the widespread sense that the religious parties have only made it worse.

"Iraq at the moment is suffering from attempts to hijack the political process by extremists on both sides," said Barham Saleh, a Kurd who is Iraq's minister of planning and who served in Mr. Allawi's government. "My hope is that there is enough common ground to create a viable political center."

Sarah Lyall contributed reporting from London for this article, and Abdul Razaq al-Saiedy from Baghdad.


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