Date:   Mon Mar  1 16:10:25 2004
Author: idra

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source
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Ok here it is my latest work on privileges

This patch add privilege support for samba
Currently it is implemented only for tdbsam backend but estending it to
other sam backends is straightforward.

I must make a big thank to JFM for his teachings on the matter and the
functions at the base of this work.

At thye moment only samr_create_user honours SeAddUsersPrivilege and
SeMachineAccountPrivilege to permit any user to add machines and/or users to
the server.

The command "net priv" has been provided to manipulate the privileges

There are still many things to do (like support in "net rpc vampire") but
the working core is here.

Feel free to comment/extend on this work.

Of course I will deny that any bug may affect this code :-)

This patch adds also my patch about add share command enhancements.

Revisions:             1.753 => 1.754

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