Author: sree
Date: 2006-06-20 20:46:39 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 16430


Testing with proposal

Added: branches/SOC/sree/samba-soc.txt
--- branches/SOC/sree/samba-soc.txt     2006-06-20 20:43:05 UTC (rev 16429)
+++ branches/SOC/sree/samba-soc.txt     2006-06-20 20:46:39 UTC (rev 16430)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+Name: K. Sreepathi Pai
+IM: kspb46 on Yahoo! (but I'm on dialup! Please send me mail+time if
+                      you wish to chat with me)
+Samba! This is the only open-source project that strikes a personal
+chord with me for Google SoC 2006. No other project would get me so
+My experience with Samba has been largely on the user/administrator
+side (but with a compiling+debugging experience as well). I've been
+heavily involved in converting our college's infrastructure from
+Windows to (only) Linux+Samba3 (800+ users). It's been a wonderful
+experience with great software!
+The project I'm applying for is (now) on your project ideas page
+entitled 'User Manager for SWAT (Samba 4)'. Here are my key
+motivations for this project:
+   * Samba+Linux is a surefire Windows (server-side) killer
+   * Windows Administrators _need_ graphical tools for user management
+     (this isn't that they aren't willing to learn command line tools,
+     but graphical tools are simply more convenient for repetitive
+     tasks -- I learnt this the hard way)
+   * Samba 4 AD infrastructure _will_ require a graphical tool to
+     allow administrators to fully appreciate and use its complete
+     feature set
+   * I was planning to do it anyway ;-) [Linux-based Samba3
+     administration, a NT4 Server Tools replacement using a native
+     toolkit]
+Currently I have written a number of shell (Windows and Linux) and
+web-based programs (PHP) to interact with the LDAP+Samba3 deployment
+in college for rudimentary user management. The Google SoC project
+while not reusing any of it, will help bring all of it together.
+HOW much time do you expect to have for this project?
+Following commitments during the SoC period:
+May 18 -- June 6, Final Engineering Exams
+July 20ish -- Possible move to new university (admissions still in progress)
+No other commitments. This is my free-est time in 4 years of
+engineering school!
+PLEASE describe any experience you have:
+[restricting to project-relevant experience]
+PHP-based developer for past 5 years. Can write secure programs
+:-). Good understanding of Cryptography and its proper usage. Have
+written tools for Samba/LDAP user management in PHP.
+Very comfortable with Javascript, have written large libraries for use
+in web applications. No AJAX experience (yet).
+Worked with LDAP using variety of tools and libraries and programming
+languages. Setup and maintained OpenLDAP based server for Samba3 with
+custom schema for college.
+appwebserver, ejs and qooxdoo are new to me, but embedded servers and
+languages are not. I've played around with SpiderMonkey (Mozilla's C
+implementation of JavaScript) a bit (very little!), and poked around
+GAIM's Tcl loader. Both of these experiences were before SoC. Also
+worked with AD scripting.
+PLEASE describe your usage experience/familiarity with the project you
+are applying for:
+Started with Samba 2.2 on Debian Woody for a fileserver. Moved upto
+Samba3 on Debian Sarge as a PDC for the entire college. Implemented an
+OpenLDAP-based Samba3 setup, writing all migration scripts and
+management tools. Please visit
+<> for source code and
+screenshots of these tools.
+Time-scale: 2 years. Was daily administrator for atleast 6 months,
+troubleshooting Samba3 migration problems with users, software and
+computers. Nothing the Samba docs couldn't solve :-).
+PLEASE describe any open source development experience:
+Have submitted bugfixes to Moodle, maintain local patches to
+Written Newsy, a no-frills web-based RSS/Atom site publisher.
+Co-author of VL2, a web-based search engine for Electoral Rolls.
+HAVE you applied (or plan to apply) for any other 2006 Summer of Code
+projects? If so, which ones?
+WHAT school do you attend? How many years have you attended there?
+What is your specialty/major at the school?
+Studying Computer Engineering for the last 4 years at Don Bosco
+Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Affiliated to the University of
+Mumbai (Bombay), India. Electives chosen were 'Advanced Computer
+Networks' and 'Neural Networks'. Enjoy Operating Systems, Networks and
+PLEASE describe your proposed project in detail, including
+deliverables and expected timeline with milestones (answer in detail):
+The proposed project would be an extension to Samba 4's SWAT component
+to perform the following tasks:
+   * Create/Remove individual users
+   * Browse and search for users
+   * Manipulate user properties such as:
+     - Personal Information
+     - Samba Login Information
+     - Account Settings (locking, password expiry, etc.)
+It would be primarily written in EJS, and would use Samba 4's JS API
+to perform the above tasks. An AJAX-ified UI (similar to the RegEdit
+component in SWAT right now) is what I'm looking to develop.
+I'm going to aim for UI conformity with the MMC for ease-of-migration.
+The SWAT component for user management with the following
+        * Functionality equivalent to NT4 Server Tools (atleast)
+        * MMC-like AJAX interface
+        * Ability to work in 'normal' Samba environments
+The SoC runs from June to September. June and July are very free for
+me (can work full-time), August is so far unknown. My approach to
+coding is usually to get something working, and then fine-tune
+that. My tasks as I see them are:
+May and June 2006
+[at this point I've already downloaded Samba4(TP2), compiled and
+played around with SWAT and the other tools]
+* Get to know Samba4's JS API
+* Get familiar with appweb, EJS and SWAT
+June 2006
+[at this point I am familiar with the capabilities of all the tools
+and API's I'm going to use at the programmer's level. So this month
+I'll be using those APIs only]
+* Code non-AJAX Add/Search/Remove 
+* Code prototype non-AJAX user properties to get a feel for API
+* Start coding AJAX Browser for users
+July 2006
+[at this point, I'm very comfortable with EJS, and will start porting
+the non-AJAX versions to AJAX. This month I'll be concentrating on the
+UI only --- I already know how to perform actions, UI linkups are
+* Port actions to AJAX browser (Add/Remove)
+* Start coding properties UI for user accounts
+August 2006
+[at this point we have a final UI framework, most major actions are
+done and working, and fine-tuning of UI, testing and tying up any
+loose ends are required. I wish to get done by this month to avoid
+* Finish up properties UI
+* Commence testing in college (and in the wild)
+* Tie up any loose ends
+Please do not hesitate to contact me for clarifications and/or further
+details. Contact details are at top of this document.
+WHY are you well suited to complete this project?
+It's a personal itch. And everything has just come together. SWAT has
+just gone from CGI to EJS. Samba4 needs a strong user management
+interface for its AD functionality. I have (some) experience with the
+exact problem. I can code well!

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