Hi Metze
Date:   Thu Oct 28 13:09:51 2010 +0400

     provision: when deriving netbiosname from hostname force the netbiosname 
to be compliant

     It means no space/_/-/@.... and less than 16 chars.
What's wrong with '-'? It's allowed in netbios and dns names.

See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/909264
Well the test that check if it's a valid netbiosname checks for the absence of '-':

def valid_netbios_name(name):
    """Check whether a name is valid as a NetBIOS name. """
    # See crh's book (
    if len(name) > 15:
        return False
    for x in name:
        if not x.isalnum() and not x in " !#$%&'()-...@^_{}~":
            return False
    return True

So I guess this function is wrong.

Because I made my function based on this test ...

Matthieu Patou
Samba Team        http://samba.org
Private repo      http://git.samba.org/?p=mat/samba.git;a=summary

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