David Lee wrote:
> In other words, perverse though it may at first seem, might Solaris sites
> be seeing this problem because Solaris is a _good_ OS, capable of being
> pushed to such limits?  (Have other OSes stumbled on the lower slopes of
> the load mountain?)

        Formally, this is a bottleneck problem, caused
        by the slow parts of the system not being up to
        the standards of the rest.

        Depending on hat worn, you can make it a compliment
        (most of the system is fast) or and insult (part
        of the system is slow). I'll leave that to the
        interested paries
        As an engineer, I'd prefer it not happen at all if
        I can't fix it, and for it to be a Sun bug if I can.
        My initial thought is it's partially die to a locking
        bottleneck and partly due to the algorithm using
        the lock being unbounded-time.

For RTTL background, see
and Ostroff, J.S. "Temporal Logic for Real-Time Systems".
David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify 
Performance & Engineering      | some people and astonish the rest.
Americas Customer Engineering, |                      -- Mark Twain
(905) 415-2849                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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