On Fri, 3 May 2002, Lars Heineken wrote:

> Hi Folks !
> Today I found another bug in vesrion 2.2.3a : Our unix-server hosts a
> samba-share that contains all files from the win98-CD. Every
> win98-client maps this share as drive Z. He uses this drive when win98s
> asks for the windows-cd. After Upgrading the server from samba 2.0.7 to
> samba 2.2.3a the win98-machine locks when he tries to access this
> "windows-cd-rom-drive-share" The normal browsing via explorer works
> fine, but the selection of "Z:\" as Source of the win98-CD (during the
> dialog "new hadrware found" eg.) locks the win-machine completely. After
> changing the binaries smbd and nmbd back to version 2.0.7 on the server,
> everything workes fine again.

Please try to reproduce this against Samba 2.2.4.  If the 
problem still occurs, a level 10 debug log of the client
connection posted via FTP would be helpful.

cheers, jerry
 Hewlett-Packard                                     http://www.hp.com
 SAMBA Team                                       http://www.samba.org
 --                                            http://www.plainjoe.org
 "Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed.      ISBN 0-672-32269-2
 --"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--

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