
        First thing u've to do is check the username & password on the windows
machine by which u usually do a login. Try to create same account in ur Samba
machine with same passwd. Login from the new username & passwd. & then  try to
give the same command if it asks for the passwd give the same passwd. If it
fails try to do it with "su".



Abdij Bhat wrote:

> Hi,
>  I get the following error when i try to mount a windows share on my
> embedded target
> >>93: session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0
> >>SMB connection failed.
>  I am using the command
> >>smbmount //win-mac-netbios-name/share-name /mnt/sambashare
>  Samba then complains about some codepages missing, but moves on and prompts
> me the password. I have set no password on the windows machine for the
> "guest" account. [I have pasted the smb.conf used in both the server and
> client below ( i use the same smb.conf ).]
>  I leave the password empty and press enter. It then gives the above
> mentioned errors.
>  This was working fine a few weeks ago when we were using the full blown
> Red-Hat distribution built for our embedded target (MIPS). Now we have
> scaled down the linux to minimal files ( to fit to our flash ) and i beleive
> something is missing; which causes the problem.
>  Can somebody please help me resolve this.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Abdij
> ************** smb.conf *************************
> ; Configuration file for smbd.
> ;
> ============================================================================
> ; For the format of this file and comprehensive descriptions of all the
> ; configuration option, please refer to the man page for smb.conf(5).
> [global]
> ;       set the work group name
>         workgroup = DOMAIN
> ;       set machine name
>         netbios name = Sambabu
> ;       set description field
>         server string = Sambabu Server
> ;       set a separate log file for each client
>         log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%m
> ;       set lock directory
>         lock directory = /var/lock/samba
> ;       set share mode
>         share modes = yes
> ;       allow guests
>         guest ok = yes
> [home]
>         comment = Home Directory
> ;       set path
>         path = /home
> ;       make browsable
>         browseable = yes
> ;       allow guests
>         guest ok = yes
> ;       make writable
>         read only = no
> ;       set create mode
>         create mode = 0750
> [public]
>         comment = Publicaly Shared Data
> ;       set the path
>         path = /home/abdij/downloads
> ;       make public
>         public = yes
> ;       make writable
>         writable = yes
> ;       make unprintable
>         printable = no
> [tmp]
>         comment = Temporary file space
> ;       set path
>         path = /tmp
> ;       make writable
>         read only = no
> ;       make public
>         public = yes

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