On Fri, 24 May 2002, Gerald Carter wrote:

> On Fri, 24 May 2002, Samuli A Valo wrote:
> 1. When viewing properties from w2k-machine, following error msg pops up: 
> >    "Printer properties cannot be displayed. Operation could not be 
> >    completed." 
> >    
> >    This seems to happen only on the printers, which have drivers 
> >    assigned, and not on all of those. This also seems to be 
> >    non-deterministic, ie. it does not happen all the times...
> It was an alignment problem.  I just fixed this in SAMBA_2_2
> and HEAD.

Thanks, it did fix the problems!

> > 2. When properties can be viewed, if any setting from  Advanced field are 
> >    changed it'll likely fail with following error msg: "Printer setting 
> >    could not be saved. Operation could not be completed" This does not 
> >    seem to happen on the first try on newly added printer, but on some 
> >    printers this happens every time after that first change. And on some 
> >    printers it happens only from time to time... Strange!
> Same issue I think.

Yes, this was also corrected. 

-- Samuli Valo               |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --
-- University of Helsinki    |  http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/savalo --
-- Department of CS          |  mobile: + 358 40 582 9016          --

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