On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Christopher R.Hertel wrote:

>   The problem here is that W2K simply ignores the packet, so the client
>   must decide whether to time-out waiting for a reply or to start sending
>   SMBs before it knows if it got an error message back from the server.
>   I am not sure what happens if it times out, but we have seen Windows
>   behave strangely if it senses a delay.  Perhaps the best way to handle
>   this is to make the connection, try the NBT SESSION SETUP, if you get a
>   response then go with it, if not then close the connection and try again
>   without the NBT SESSION SETUP.

Having a timeout sounds bad, everyone doing ssh tunnelling to port 445 on
win2k will hit it.

Would this work for non 139/445 ports?

1. Send the NBT SESSION SETUP, but don't wait for a reply.
2. Send the protocol negotiation request (or whichever comes first).
3. Wait for a reply.
4. If the reply matches (1) then wait for the reply to (2).

Or just provide an option and let the user specify it.


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