On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 03:55, Tim Potter wrote:

> I know Jeremy initially wasn't keen on the resolve/retry stuff going in
> to HEAD but maybe in the context of optimising name resolution he will
> change his mind.  (-:

I heartedly agree.
We need some kind of DNS caching both of positive and negative results.
Samba is yet overcomplicated sometimes due to stupid NetBIOS habbits,
and adding mis-configured DNS headaches to administrator is just foul.

It would perhaps be very interesting tough to make an independent module
that can be reused by other apps too, something like an advanced
Only one thing, be sure not to cache which are DNS servers. I hate very
much applications (like galeon or mozilla) that do not mind checcking if
resolv.conf has changed, and stop working when I move my notebook from a
network to another one, or when I connect to a different provider.


Simo Sorce
Una scelta di liberta': Software Libero.
A choice of freedom: Free Software.

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