
I used pdbedit -i to import my old /etc/smbpasswd into a NIS+ table. 
pdbedit generated for Workstationaccounts entries like this:
degpd060w147$:1064:3128:502:2005:[U          ]:C39B59E02D...

well, the workstation can log into the domain and works quite well, but 
when you throw away the old installation on the client and then want to 
join the workstation (with the same name) again, Samba is unable to delete 
the workstation account and create a new one.

I worte a little script to fix up all Workstation Accounts to be like 
degpd060w147$:1064:3128:502:2005:[W          ]:C39B59E02D...

Is it possible to correct the behavior of pdbedit?

Yes, I'm using Samba 2.2.5

regards Thomas
German Parcel
Thomas Mieslinger
German-Parcel-Str. 1-7     fon: +49 6677 17 463
36286 Neuenstein            fax: +49 6677 17 111
Germany                           eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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