>On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Jay Ts wrote:
>> Neither did I, considering that the smb.conf(5) manual page says:
>>     If  the  security  parameter is set to domain, then
>>     the list of machines in this option must be a  list
>>     of  Primary  or  Backup  Domain controllers for the
>>     Domain or the character '*'
>> and
>>     Default: password server = <empty string>
>> If the actual behavior is different from that, then I would
>> like to request that the smb.conf manual page be updated.

And Richard Sharpe replied:

> Oh wow. A volunteer :-)

Then Gerald Carter wrote:
> Jay,  Feel free to send me a diff.  Andrew is correct.
> The default value is '*' for practical purposes.

Now just waitaminute ... what I wrote was:

+ If the actual behavior is different from that, then I would
+ like to request that the smb.conf manual page be updated.


- If the actual behavior is different from that, then I would
- like to update the smb.conf manual page.

THERE is your "diff". :-)

Seriously, is it asking too much for whomever is writing the
code to be the one who makes sure the published documentation
matches the behavior of the program?

Jay Ts

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