Title: RE: [Samba] Strange crashes and disconnection from PDC?

Maybe the core dump is done by the OS by default when the SIGSEGV signal is not handled by the process. Because Samba handles the signal to do the panic action, the system doesn't fall into the core dumping routine. Perhaps if, at the end of the exit routine, Samba dropped the handler for the SIGSEGV signal handler, and re-sent the same signal to itself, the core file would be dumped after the exit.

To set the core file size, use "ulimit -c size". Read it with "ulimit -c". Setting it to zero prevents core dumps. Note that I don't get core dumps from Samba, but I do from other programs, so this is probably not the issue.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nir Soffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:49 AM
To: Richard Sharpe
Cc: Andrew Bartlett; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Samba] Strange crashes and disconnection from PDC?

> On Sun, 28 Jul 2002, Nir Soffer wrote:
> Hmmm, so you do not get core files on your platform either? Is this
> FreeBSD or something else?
> I am experiencing the same on FreeBSD, and
> haven't had time to look into this, as other techniques could
> give me the
> info I wanted, but corefiles will be needed for customer installs.

I'm using Linux here...

From the little I have understood of the code - there are never core
dumps on smb_panic regardless of platform since it skips exit_server
(I'm still confused on when exactly exit_server _is_ called
if smb_panic does the abort() itself, but that's probably just me).
I still haven't figured out where exactly someone tells the system
'don't core dump on me', I'm guessing it's just done using a setrlimit
for the core size to 0 somewhere, but I still haven't found it.


Nir Soffer -=- Software Engineer, Exanet Inc. -=-
"Father, why are all the children weeping? / They are merely crying son
 O, are they merely crying, father? / Yes, true weeping is yet to come"
        -- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Weeping Song>

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